16 - "So, you're Kazuha?"

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3rd Person Omniscient

Xiao made it to the small café a little bit early, taking deep breaths while sitting outside in his car.

It's just another person, just like you...except he's not an adeptus- but anyways, you'll be fine. Xiao mentally reassured himself.

He watched a black car pull in, getting somewhat jealous of the nice newer model. A white-haired boy stepped out of the car, pulled out his phone, typed something, and then looked around anxiously.

Right after the white haired boy put his phone down, Xiao's went off. He reached over and grabbed it, reading a new message.

I'm here, where are you?

Xiao confirmed that the boy that stepped out the car beside him was Kazuha. He debated whether or not to just get out or text.

In the end, he decided to get out of his car, closing the door and pulling his phone from his pocket.

He kept Kazuha in his peripheral vision. Kazuha's eyes widened when he saw Xiao come out of the car, and Xiao saw a quick text that read 'never mind, I see you :)' pop up on his screen.

Xiao pretended not to watch Kazuha make his way over to him, not failing to realize the huge smile that Kazuha wore.

"Xiao, yeah?" Kazuha asked.

Xiao didn't expect him to sound the way he did, but he didn't necessarily dislike that.

"So you're Kazuha?" Kazuha nodded.

"I deeply apologize for anything I may have said or done last night- and thank you for helping me," Xiao bowed embarrassedly.

"Don't mention it, I worried about you," Kazuha admitted, "And if it eases your mind any, you actually didn't say or do anything, you were too out of it. I had to constantly reassure Master Diluc that I wasn't abducting you."

Xiao turned red at the mention of how out of it he was, and decided to change the subject, "can we just please go inside- it's cold out."

Kazuha nodded, and the two walked up to the main entrance together. Kazuha was quick to open the door, letting Xiao enter before he did.

Kazuha and Xiao got in the rather short café line, discussing what they'd like to order.

"So what kind of café drinks do you usually go for?" Kazuha asked, starting a conversation.

"I don't get these kinds of drinks often, but anything caramel is what I usually enjoy." Xiao responds, looking at anything besides the white haired boy in front of him.

"Really? I tend to get caramel flavored drinks as well. I wouldn't take you for a caramel guy, though..."

Xiao, awkward as ever, simply hums in reply.

The two made it to the front of the line and ordered- which didn't take long since they already knew what they wanted. They then proceeded to find a small table in the corner to sit together at.

The waitress called Kazuha's name shortly after, and the white haired boy went up to grab the drinks. When he came back, he handed Xiao his drink, and took a sip of his own.

"So Xiao, tell me a bit about yourself." Kazuha said as he sat down, "that's why we're meeting, afterall."

Xiao thought for a moment, "I'm not interesting. I go to this college, I'm from the Liyue region, and I major in (some major idfk). The only people I really interact with are my father, my sister, my two best friends, and their partners."

This Side of Paradise (Aeventi) (finished) Where stories live. Discover now