17 - "how did it go?"

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3rd person omniscient

Bennett opened the door to his shared dorm, returning a few hours after Aether and Venti got there.

He didn't hear anything, and closed the door.

"I'm back," Bennett said, confused when he didn't get a reply. Aether usually texts him when he's out, and Bennett was sure Aether didn't text him.

He walked further into the small living space, seeing Aether and Venti laying in Aether's bed. Venti was asleep in one of Aether's sweaters, and Aether was motioning for Bennett to be quiet.

Bennett nodded and hung his coat up after taking his shoes off. He then proceeded to grab night clothes from his dresser, go into the bathroom, and change.

Aether looked at the clock that was on the desk next to his bed, shocked that it was already 11 pm.

He tightened his grip on his sleeping boyfriend and attempted to go to sleep. He was passed out by the time Bennett got out of the bathroom.

Bennett smiled a bit seeing the couple before getting in his own bed and plugging his phone into the charger before going to sleep himself.

(time skip because u have a lazy author)

Xiao woke up to his phone going off. He angrily reached over to grab his phone.

Who the hell is calling me at 9 in the morning? He wondered. Oh, it's Kazuha.

Xiao answered the phone, "hello?"

"Good morning, Xiao!" Kazuha greeted happily, "say, are you free anytime today?"

Xiao wiped his eyes and stretched, getting out of bed, "I should be, yeah...it's the last day of our break, afterall."

"Great! Gorou wants to meet you- do you think we could meet up at the café again?" Kazuha asked.

"How about we go somewhere other than the café?" Xiao proposed, "I don't really feel like being social today."

"That's completely fine, we could meet at my dorm if you don't mind the drive." Kazuha said.

Xiao was thankful that Kazuha was considerate of his social meter, "I don't mind it at all, just tell me your dorm number."

"It's number 69A. Do you think you could be here in like three hours or so?" Kazuha asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there." Xiao confirmed.

"Great, I'll see you then! Farewell, Xiao."

Xiao didn't get a chance to say goodbye before Kazuha hung up.

Might as well get ready Xiao thought to himself. Xingqiu was still passed out in his bed, snoring away, so Xiao concluded that he had to be extra careful not to wake him up.

"Lucky bitch," Xiao muttered- mostly to himself, "wish I was sleeping right now."

(a/n random, but I have over 30 discord notifications and you should know that)

Xiao then proceeded to get ready for going to see Kazuha and Gorou.


"Come onnnnnn Aether, you big lazy bum!" Venti complained, trying to wake up his boyfriend, "It's already 10! I need to go be nosey towards everyone we know, and I can't do that when you're practically laying on me!"

Bennett watched Venti's pathetic attempt.

"Okay, Venti, here's a tip for waking up Aether..." Bennett got really close to Aether's ear and screamed.

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