Drugs and Alcohol are bad

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Indie pov:
Yes most people have had their first smoke of marijuana or first sip of vodka, but with Laura and Ella is it on another page. They are legit on coke from the looks of it but they really not, they are just being teens. At the moment they are playing a Nirvana playlist off of my car while Eva mad Marlee record them, I am just laughing on how dumb they look Rn. At this point I hope we don't get kicked out because of them.

No ones pov:

Marlee: Yall have such dry music taste-

Laura: My child don't get started with ur TikTok gay pop shit.

Eva: Ok anywayyyy

Indie: Mother fuckers we are here!

Ella: Let's spend some shit!

Marlee: Budgets for all of us is 600 each, ok?

Laura: Guys Marlee is the new mum lmao

Eva: Finally not me or Indie.

Ella: You're such a mum Marlee

Marlee: No wonder why I just stay home most of the time.

Texts between Marlee and Seth

Marlee: Come to canelands!

Seth: Fine I will bring Finley with me as well, since he will probs wanna see Eva?

Marlee: Yeah yeah tell me if u get a ride 😎👊

Seth: Yeah my mum will get us a ride, be there about 20 mins 🤟

Marlee: Ok ily

Seth: ly too :)

Seth pov:

Finley and I turn out coming to meet them at about 7:45. I don't even know why we are here so late? Anyway this  is what happens when ur in a small town, fun trips and shit. Yes I have realised that Laura and Ella have been doing shit (well Ella been drinking and Laura is kinda of still high but always have been drinking). Yeah this is gonna be such a great shopping trip (not).

No ones pov:

Laura: Let's go to woolies, I want monster.

Ella: oooo same!

Marlee: Let's get a trolley!

Eva: Oh fuck not again-

Laura: Me and Eva dibs getting in.

Eva: Oh hell no

*Laura picks up and throws eva in the trolley*


Laura: >:))))

Ella: Let's just get snacks and drinks I wanna stay up!

Marlee: Sounds good to me

Seth: Can we come back to urs since we already here Laura?

Laura: Yeah yeah you guys can stay the night I guess.

Finley: Cant man my mum is picking us up then dropping Seth home.

Seth: Dammit, then never mind.

Laura: We all can do something next weekend like whole group at mine? Well we should just throw a massive party next Friday or sum.

Marlee: Smart, whole grade!

Ella: Yessss

Eva: Oooo this shall be fun!

Indie: Oh no-

*Music starts playing*


Laura: ok ok let's sing this


Laura singing boy will be bugs by Cavetown:

I'm a dumb teen boy
I eat sticks and rocks and mud
I don't care about the government
And I really need a hug
I feel stupid (stupid)
Ugly (ugly)
Pretend it doesn't bother me
I'm not very strong but
I'll fuck you up if you're mean to bugs
It's getting cold down here underneath the weather
I skipped class to sit with you
I really like your spotty sweater
If ladybugs are girls
How do you make kids together?
What's it like in a female world
I bet it's just so much better
I just turned fourteen
And I think this year I'm gonna be mean
Don't mess with me I'm a big boy now and I'm very scary
I punch my walls, stay out at night, and I do karate
Don't message me cause I won't reply, I wanna make you cry
Ain't that how its s'posed to be? Though it isn't me
Boys will be bugs.


No ones pov:

Security: You all get out of this shopping centre!

Ella: But sirrr we did nothing

Seth: It is just us trying to live life let us at least get our food.

Security: You can pay then I am following you guys out!

Laura: Oh fine.

Ella: No fun

Time pasts

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