24|| Free Man

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Bianca's pov.

I woke up from a bad dream, mom had disowned me. Well she hasn't been as happy to see me. She doesn't seem to care about me being home.

I have been counting down to the day that dad is being released. I think him being around will change everything here. I was not even given a specific date to look forward to but I am patiently waiting for the old man to knock on the door.

I will confess that I am nervous and maybe I won't fit his description of a good daughter.

Forgive me for being rude, I forgot to mention that I am back home. Apparently, my mom has a whole birthday celebration planned out, I wish. I just came home to my mother.

I left everything behind, I mean nothing is as important as coming home.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to leave me in bed alone?" Yolanda mumbled as I stood in front of my mirror.

"My Apologies" I laughed.

Wait, did you think I left without Yolanda? I couldn't do it. My mom obviously disagreed on the first attempt but my lovely aunt managed to convince her, titling Yolanda as my drive to success. Which is true! Every good decision I've recently started making is to hear her say "Well done!" She keeps me going.

My mom keeps me going too however she doesn't participate in my life like Yolanda does. She has lost faith in me and doesn't care what I do now. Of course sis is securing her sanity and happiness but can she at least believe that I have changed.

I walked to her as she watched her still favourite show. Ellen DeGenerus.

"Good morning" I greeted with a smile.

"Hi" She replied not turning to me.

"Anything for breakfast?" I asked.

"Nope, just cereal" She replied with her eyes still glued to the screen.

"Where is your credit card? I'll go get a few groceries with Lan" I said and she finally turned to me.

"Coming back lighter and gay doesn't mean you've changed" She smiled weakly.

Oh and she didn't handle the whole 'I Am Gay' situation well.

"Oh" I mumbled.

"If you hungry, there is cereal. I bet your friend wouldn't mind" She said.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind" Yolanda said behind me.

"Excuse me a little" I laughed awkwardly and walked to the sink for a glass of cold water.

Firstly, uhm Ouch!

Secondly, ouch again

Thirdly, I know you thought I'll say ouch again but no, although I still feel the need to. She thinks I am lighter, okay.

And lastly I am not playing victim. I deserve this, all of it. She suffered all these years with me and I am guessing now it's... My turn. Great!

I forced a smile and walked back to where Yolanda had already prepared the cereal bowls.

I quietly sat next to her.

I hate cereal, it doesn't bother to remind of either my childhood when mom was too busy to pay attention and I was dying of loneliness or when I had school right after I got a serious ass whipping. The good times... Huh never! Those were the worst times of my life.

"Want food mama?" I asked breaking the awkward silence.

"No thank you" She replied.

Can someone please tell her I have changed and I hate being ignored. Yes Ellen do it, she listens to everything you have to say.

"Anything in mind for tomorrow?"She asked turning to me.

Drum roll please! Well tomorrow is my birthday! I am turning um 21 so I can leave this house, make my own choices, go to a strip club, drink my life away and ignore judgement. Yeah right, I am turning 17.

" We can call all the aunts and uncles and they'll bring cousins and we just celebrate" I suggested.

"You know all your aunts and uncles hate us huh? Everyone in my family thinks I gave birth to a psychopath and you know what else they say, I trained you" She snapped annoyed.

I just remained quiet watching Yolanda leave the room. God protect my heart from whatever she is about to say.

"Um no, to your aunts and uncles" She mumbled.

"We don't have to celebrate it, it's all okay" I replied.

"Nothing is okay, nothing will ever be okay..." She mumbled with an angrier tone.

"You know I thought I'd be titled worlds best parent when I was a girl. I wanted to raise you as good as I was raised but if I really wanted that I should have suggested a sperm donor." She said standing up and pacing around the room.

I don't think I am ready for what's coming, y'all can send help now.

"I remember when I was pregnant and I prayed for a baby girl, I should have mentioned that I want a well behaved daughter" She said laughing annoyed.

"You know what's worse, the ladies in the hood think I am a threat too. Despite babbling about my life and laughing about my faults, they have began avoiding me and I am even ashamed of going to the supermarkets" She said as her voice began squeaking.

"I know I have not been the best daughter" I mumbled.

"Maybe you don't because if you did, you would have changed the situation a while ago" She snapped.

"Fine I have my faults too. I have done all kinds of horrible things, been to every kind of school, spoke to different therapists and almost got diagnosed as crazy because all my life I was made to believe I was not capable of greater things in life and all you and your sisters said is that I will end up like him. I was made to believe I was a younger version of him and maybe that would have filled up the whole gab of living without him and never being informed about him!" I snapped back.

"Maybe if you had faith in me and opposed all they said about me I wouldn't want to prove everything right and get you all of my case. Maybe if you had not said I am hopeless and that I'll remain an unlikeable loner things would have turned out differently." I mumbled feeling the salting liquid leave my eyes.

"Now I have found someone who cares about my problems and tells me that she loves me still everytime they checked up on me, which you never bothered to do" I let the words fall out of my mouth.

"Oh baby" She mumbled as she began to cry.

I just stormed out bumping into a man who stood at the door. He was tall, seemed taller than Yolanda. His hair and had facial had tints of grey. He wore an old, vintage brown pants and a golf t-shirt and held a backpack.

"Chantel..." He mumbled.

I just walked past him given more reasons to hate myself and cry.

He is a free man now! Pops is a free man.


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