Bianca's pov.
I woke pretty early, took a hot bubble bath and prayed for a great day. I wore a yellow dress with flat shoes and tied my hair into a loose bun. While doing all those things Anna Marie's Birthday song echoed in my head.
"Ready?" Dad asked knocking on my door
"Sure" I replied opening my door.
He gasped when his eyes met mine as though I was wearing a white wedding garment and he was about to walk me down the aisle to the love of my life.
"You look amazing" He mumbled.
"Thank you" I planted a kiss on his cheeks.
"We are waiting for you two down here" Mom exclaimed.
Yolanda took a few shots on the staircases and now the whole scene looked like it was prom night.
"Be back by 12, the latest" Dad said sinking at the two ladies.
I called a cab and we quietly sat there the car accelerated through the city and I realised that I actually missed these busy streets.
"Are you okay?" I asked dad.
"Nope, I am nervous" He confessed.
"I... I have not been with a group of people since I left the can" He said looking out the window.
"And a lot has changed out here" He mumbled.
"It's totally okay dad, yes a lot has changed" I said holding his hand in mine.
"Your hands" He laughed and I pulled away.
"What about them?" I asked hiding them.
"They look just like your grandmother's hands" He said as I let him reveal them.
"Really?" I asked fascinated.
"Like seriously, they are similarly cold too except hers were really wrinkled the last time I saw her" He said.
The cab pulled over at the complex which was packed with people and yes dad was hesitant about leaving the car.
He paid the cab and we left the car.
He held his hand in mine as we walked into the best pizza place I know, Princess's Palace.
I know what you thinking and no it doesn't sell dresses and make up, they actually sell great pizzas and pies.
"You sure we are at the right place?" Dad asked looking around.
"Yes sir" I laughed.
"Welcome to the best pizza place in town. My name is Elisa, How may we assist your tummy?" She asked.
"Hey Elisa, I also don't know why I am here, my daughter dragged me here" My dad said and Elisa laughed.
"Sit or takeaway?" She asked.
My dad looked around and the room was packed, really packed and he was suddenly uncomfortable.
"Takeaway please, we'll wait outside." I replied placing my orders
"I'll deliver it myself" She smiled.
Dad and I walked out, he was too quiet for my liking.
"You okay?" I asked.
"I just feel like it's written all over my face that I am a felon baby. I know I served my sentence just right but I just feel different from all the people in there." He sighed.
"No, no and no to all of that pops, I still love you" I mumbled.
Silence fall in place as my stomach growled.
"Was that your stomach?" He asked laughing.
"Well, maybe" I laughed.
"Tell me about your interests while Elisa finishes with the toppings" He smirked looking at me.
I froze, what exactly are my interests. Should I start telling him I am recovering from nicotine addiction and I have stayed the longest without stealing. What exactly are my interests, should I tell him about the demons I draw when I am angry or that I have a gift if rearranging peoples faces. I just sighed.
"Here's your food" Elisa said placing the box of pizza right between dad and I and saving me from that spotlight.
"Thank you" I finally spoke.
"Enjoy!" She smiled skipping away
"I spoke to your mom last night" Dad said.
"Oh, You just found us in a bad space. I am not such a bad child" I said looking away.
"Um...I am not sure about that one" He said laughing.
"Where is that coming from?" I asked a little nervous.
"Yo get to that story, I'll have to start somewhere" He answered.
"Okay dad, I am listening" I said turning to face him.
"I was 10 when your grandmother died and I moved in with my aunt. All she'd do is ask me about my dad, I didn't know shit about him. Ma only tell me he was a bad man and that he had to pay his dues in the white house and that's the only thing I knew, not even his name or age. I then believed if Ithe wasn't doing my things according to law I'll get to meet him." He laughed ashamed.
"I began to steal when I was 12 and because I couldn't do it sober then began the substance abuse and a more wild behavior. From there they moved me around like a bag of drugs. They all didn't want to take the blame when I was in trouble or even wanted to provide a roof for me."
Watching dad actually pouring his heart out and holding in tears was not a pleasant thing.
"I was 16 when I agreed to work for Eight. Did my life change? Definitely! Was I happy? Definitely. Did I lose friends and family? Unfortunately, Absolutely. I then met her, Brianna Mathè. She accepted me as I was, I mean she showed me love something that Eight said didn't exist. I promised to change and every mission was my last until they took me in. Then I was 39 when I was finally convicted. I know you thinking I would have met my dad but I did not and I realised I spent all my life taking shitty decisions and when I finally come home, guess my only daughter is following every step I have taken." He said finally turning back at me.
"I know they all said you'll end up like me, I can't wait and watch to see if that's true. I love you, so much baby and maybe I ruined my chances of a better life and I can't let you ruin yours too" He said more softly.
"But dad that...."
"I see so much of myself through you and it never ended well for me. It's only when the metal bars were being locked when regret and guilt took over." He said.
"I just want the best for you Chantel" He said bringing back his flawless smile.
"You still didn't tell why you think I am a bad child" I laughed shoving a slice of pizza in my mouth.
"When I was convinced, Eight and all his men threatened to kill me if I brought up their names at the courthouse but in return I could ask for one thing. I chose your security." He said not looking at me.
"I remember what he said, he said our only variation is the gender although he added that you have gay tendencies" Dad laughed and I couldn't help but blush that he knew about my sexuality.
"He kept the promise and still looked after you. When he came to visit he would describe how of a fighter you are. I know about you changing schools and I had to intervene when you were sent across the country but your mother said you needed it and I knew she was right" Dad said.
"What what? You had conversations about me?" I asked a little happy they actually did.
"Is it safe to agree or you'll scramble my facials?" He asked laughing and taking a bite on the slice he held.
"I think it's time to head back" I said standing up.
"We still have an hour to spare"
"Wanna dance maybe?" I asked playing a song on my phone.
"I have gotten rusty but it's worth it" He said stretching.

Volcano Meets Tonardo (gxg)
Teen FictionWe are told that if it's not perfect it's not enough. We are called insane for breaking every rule. We are told that we should change and only then we'll be happy. We are convinced that there is no going back and hell is our final destination. They...