Chapter 16

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(Heather in the pic above) 3rd POV
Marley was confused throughout the night.

The thought of Demitri fresh in her mind. She recalled the way the queen looked and seemed to remember every detail about her.

The image of Demitri's happy face kept playing over and over in Marleys head almost in loop. She woke the next morning with her face warm and her mind still on the monarch.

'Why do I think of her so much, my emotions and body confuse me I'm reacting differently than I ever have before'.

Marley thought to herself as she got ready for the day.

Marley at this point was so confused it hurt her head because she couldn't understand anything. She found herself looking forward to seeing the three queens and to talk with them again.

She found their presence so comforting and she didn't want to leave them. She found it rather odd that she looked forward to seeing the three so she decided that she would do a little experiment

'these emotions have come from the three queens so if I avoid them then maybe I won't feel this way'

and with that thought in mind Marley once again made her way to the arena, after leaving a note for Ambree.

The three queens woke up from a peaceful slumber, Demitri was grinning as she recalled the events from the day before in a dreamlike state all night.

Her mind never strayed from the image of Marley, it was like she has the girls image implanted into her brain. She was sure she could never forget it.

The other two saw how Demitri was so happy as they woke up. They saw her smile as she was getting ready and as they made their way down to the breakfast hall.

Though the two could probably make a good guess as to what she was so happy about. Though they could not stop the small amount of jealousy as they thought about how close Marley and Demitri were.

Heather and Lea wanted nothing more than to spend their time with Marley just as Demitri did, though they could not see an opening to be able to do that.

Marley was once again not present for breakfast which saddened the three but they understood why she didn't come.

Once breakfast was over Lea was called to help some ladies who were deciding some stuff for a festival, and Demitri was spending her time with the children at the library.

Heather didn't really know what to do. She wasn't summoned or called upon as she made her way through the halls of her castle.

People bowed and greeted her as she walked, with her heels clicking the floor underneath her dress. It was a small yet elegant dress that Heather thought comfortable enough for breakfast.

She made her way to her balcony and stepped outside she thought about asking her wives if they wanted to go do anything but they were busy so she let them be.

Heather was on the balcony for about five more minutes until she smelt something. It was almost like a burning smell like something was on fire.

With Heather being a ware wolf her sense smell was increased so when they smell of fire entered her nose she did not hesitate to rush towards the scent.

She walked quickly through the corridors paying no mind to the servants and people bowing down in respect. She made her way out of one of the back doors and found herself rushing towards the farthest arena.

When she saw flames ride up in the arena she rushed faster to see the source of problem, but when she got there she stopped immediately and gasped at the sight in front of her.

Before her stood Marley in all her glory. She had her warriors outfit on and in her hand last she could see the rise and fall of bright orange flames.

Heather stood there motionless as she watched Marley.

Marley was training once more with fire, this time she didn't care if there was someone coming, she was so confused from earlier that she needed to do something to get her mind off of it so she chose fire.

The flames danced in Marleys hands and she twisted and turned her body almost like she herself was dancing.

The flames being in her control surrounded her as she released and extinguished the flames from her hands.

Not once did the flames burn her but Marley felt their warmth and it was very soothing.

She turned her hands as the fire was relaxed high into the sky and she watched as the flames danced around her body and the area she was in.

She felt the presence of someone but she was to focused on her fire to care.

Heather could only watch in amazement as she watched her mate dance around with the fire. Her body moving in sync with the burning power.

She moved her body in such an artistic way that it seemed like it was the fire controlling her instead of the other way.

The fire was beautiful as it wrapped its burning body against Marley and around her hands. Marley seemed to not be bothered by the fire surrounding her body almost like she couldn't feel it.

Heather was so intrigued as she watched her mate dance and release power. The fire glowed a beautiful orange and Heather found the orange color to compliment Marley very well. The orange color of the fire almost similar to her own hair color, as if her hair was fire itself.

Her warriors outfit was red and contrasted astoundingly with the orange surrounding her. Heather almost couldn't control her wolf as she watched Marley.

It was like seeing the love of her life right in front of her. Heather felt herself grow weak as she continued gazing upon Marley. She leaned against the wall for support.

Heather suddenly felt the urge to protect Marley as she stood there with the fire falling from her hands. Heather could see Marleys face and although she seemed calm there was an evident look of sadness and anger.

Heather wanted nothing more than to have Marley in her arms and tell her it was going to be ok and that she had no reason to be upset. Heather could not help herself as she moved closer and closer to Marley.

Marley felt the presence of the person from earlier getting closer now so she began extinguishing her fire and soon it became nothing but smoke in her hands.

She turned around to see who her mysterious watcher was but when she turned around her eyes widened at the sight.

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