Chapter 35

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(Marleys party dress in the pic above)
Heathers POV

This was boring.

I was currently sitting in a meeting hall listening to some lord talk about economics and things including trade.

I know I should be paying attention but I really could care less at the moment.

My head was too busy to think of anything else but Marley and the events from the past week.
Marley had finally Accepted us and we even got to kiss her.

I got butterflies thinking about it again.
It was almost surreal.
It was like a moment of pure bliss just like when I first met Demitri and Lea.

It was perfect.

But of course instead of spending our precious time with Marley we were stuck here in this stupid meeting.

I could tell the Demitri and Lea were just as bored as I was.

Their faces said it all.

I knew that we were going to see Marley again tonight but we were going to have to wait till later because there was a party going on tonight.

There wouldn't be enough time after the meetings to spend some time with Marley before we needed to get ready which greatly annoyed me.

I just wanted to see her again.

I again recalled the previous night.
I remembered the way Marley felt as I held her in my arms.

I recalled her face when I saw her laugh and smile at her little joke.

I smiled at the fond memory.

I couldn't wait to see Marley again.

To see her sweet smile and to hold her again.
I know It's early to say that you love someone when you met them only recently.

Marley has been here for only a couple of weeks but I couldn't deny it.

I was in fact in love.

I knew Demitri and Lea shared my feelings.
We discussed it earlier and I was glad to know that we all agreed.

Neither of us were jealous of the other and we collectively felt the same when It came to Marley.

Only question was how she felt towards us.

I knew that Marley accepted us but she is still new to this whole mate thing.

She might still be confused or not as fully in love as we are.

I guess I'll have to wait and see.

I looked over at the window the sun just barely in its highest peak in the sky signaling mid day was near.
I groaned in my head.

I still had a couple of hours before I would see Marley again.


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