Chapter 27

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3rd POV
Marley was to say the least speechless.

She didn't know how to react.

Here was queen Heather holding her, and promising to love her.

Lea and Demitri agreeing.

How was she supposed to react?

She didn't know.

It was all so new. These feelings they were not something Marley quite understood, she was confused scared, and excited at the same time.

"Your majesty I don't think-"

"Heather, in this room I wish for you to call me- call us by our names,"

Heather said her eyes never leaving Marleys.
Her eyes dark with a certain desire.

One Marley only hoped was not a real reality.
Marley gulped she didn't understand why they were so persistent with her.

'What about me entices them so much?
why me?
what do they see in me?'

Marleys thoughts swarmed her head. Her mind running with ideas, and answers. Though she could only come up with more questions as her mind came up clueless.

She sighed not really seeing a away out of this situation.

She didn't really know what situation she was in but she knew she was in something.

Or at least a part of something.

Marley looked back up at the brunette in front of her Heathers features becoming more prominent in Marleys head.

She lifted her head, a sign of strength and quietly said aloud.

"Heather.... Thank you but I'm afraid I have to ask,
Why me?"

"What do you mean?"

Lea asked as she to kneeled down to Marley.

"I mean why me? Why are you so persistent with me, besides the fact that we're fated to each other, what makes me so special for you to tell me those words?"

The three seemed a little stunned by Marleys question.

It had caught them highly off guard and for a moment they didn't know how to respond.
Though after some thought Demitri spoke up.

"Because you put everyone before yourself,"

Marley looked over to Demitri who had also kneeled next to Heather with Lea on a Heathers right and Demitri now on her left.

Marley gave her a confused look, not comprehending what she had meant, though the other two seemed just as intrigued, and Demitri decided to continue.

"You run into a fight not worried about your own well being, your mind consists of the well being of everyone else, weather that be us, Ambree or even a stranger. You have integrity and you honor the code of a warrior, your respectful and mannerism, your polite and kind but I can tell that when angered you aren't afraid to speak your mind.
But what I admire most about you is how you don't realise how amazing you are.
You aren't cocky and you don't have an attitude, you don't walk over people and you have a big amount of self control.
I find it almost insane how you don't realise how great you are, from your personality to your sweet beauty."

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