Chapter 48

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"Will you marry us Marleen?"
*warning cuteness over load *

3rd POV

Marley's eyes went wide at the question,
She looked frantically between the three, checking to see if there was any sign of trickery, but she found none, they were serious.


She stuttered, not even sure if she was dreaming or not.
The queens looked desperately at Marley, waiting and hoping beyond anything that she replies.

Marley could feel the eyes on her, she was nervous, she'd never think this kind of thing was to ever happen to her, she had read about this in books and heard the stories, but for it to happen in real life was simply unreal.

After realizing that she had not yet responded Marley shook her head, she knew her answer, and she knew what she wanted.

She looked at Heather, her eyes softened upon seeing the woman before her,
And she smiled before responding,


The word was spoken softly, but the three had heard it, and that's all they needed for Heather to set the box down at take Marley in her arms.

She laughed as she spun Marley around in her arms.
Marley laughed along with her, smiling brightly.

Lea and Demitri were now standing up and they laughed along with the others, the once tense atmosphere now replaced with joy and excitement.

Heather hugged Marley tightly, overjoyed with her response. Marley wasn't even sure she could breath with how tightly Heather was hugging her, but she didn't care at the moment.

Heather who realized that she was still holding Marley after a good two minutes had let her go, but the poor girl had maybe three seconds to breath before she pulled into another hug by a smiling Demitri.

Marley rolled her eyes playfully and hugged back. Demitri pulled back so the two were now facing each other, Demitri's arms still around Marley's waist.
Marley's arms around Demitri's neck.

Demitri smiled down and kissed Marley's forehead. Marley giggled and felt her cheeks flare up in a blush.

Demitri who seemed to like her reaction, did the action again.

She kissed both of Marley's cheeks and a final one to her nose, to which Marley laughed at and pretended to wipe the kiss off.

Demitri feigned a pretend hurt look at Marley's reaction to her kisses.

Lea and Heather could only smile at the two, they were adorable, and the two queens laughed along with Marley as Demitri kissed her all over, and smiled again at her 'pretend' reaction to Marley wiping the kiss off of her face.

They adored the two and their reactions, they were simply to cute to handle.
Once Demitri had let Marley go (with much protest)
She made her way to Lea, who had her arms open for Marley.

Marley smiled once again and leaned in an sighed in content when she fully embraced her queen.
Lea closed her eyes and put one arm around Marley's waist, and the other holding onto the back of her head.

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