Chapter 29

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Marleys POV

I opened my eyes the next morning only to be greeted by the shining light coming from the window.

It was sunrise now and the sun began rising over the hills of the east.

I blinked a couple of times to try and shake off the tiredness.

I went to stretch my arms only to come to a realization.

I was not alone.

The events of the previous day came down like a tsunami crashing down in my head.

I widened my eyes as I looked side to side. Lea and Heathers sleeping faces directly next to mine, next to Heather I could see Demitri sleeping away peacefully.

The bed was comfortable as I laid there basking in the warmth the girls gave off to me.

But all good things must come to an end.
I began trying to get out of the arms of the queens, only to be pulled in deeper.

I assumed they were awake since they had both moved but when I looked back at them they were still asleep.

Did they pull me closer subconsciously?
I knew that the mate bond tends to make mates clingy but this was weird even for them.

I wasn't used to this much attention and I didn't know if I should just lay with them or leave.

I eventually chose the latter and tried again to get out of their hold, only this time to find myself successful.

I managed to get out of their arms after about 10 minutes of struggling, I think Heather growled at one point but I really didn't know, I was still tired.

I got off the bed with as little noise as possible, and slowly tiptoed to the washroom.

Once inside I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I looked around me, the washroom more prominent now as bright sunlight poured in through the glass windows.

The walls lighting up beautifully with the limestone walls appearing illuminated with the sunshine that was reflected on them.

It was a strangely pretty sight for a washroom.

I began de-clothing and took my shirt off.
I unwrapped the bandages and looked at myself in the mirror.

The wound on my arm had healed to a small white scar, sure to fade in a couple of weeks.

My back was somewhat healed, only my scars were prominent, though they could never be healed.

The bruises that I had yesterday were now gone,
I looked pretty normal, my body hurt much less, I was thankful for the oil that I was given or my back would surely have hurt more then what it does, though at this point I've gotten used to the pain.

I contemplated on what I would do next after I dressed myself back up.

I could leave and go see Ambree she's probably really worried.

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