Chapter 36

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3rd POV

*warning cuteness overload*

Lea, Demitri, and Heather watched as Marley stood next to Sovia, the two talking with Ambree and Zarren.

Lea gripped her throne chair as she kept her gaze locked onto Marley.

Her eyes travelling up and down her body admiring the girl in red.

The three watched as Marley talked to her friends not caring to listen to their conversation, they were too fixated on their mate to care.

Heather could barely contain her wolf when she came down the stairs.

Railyn was purring happily at the site of Marley in the dress.

Sure Marley looked good in a suit but the dress
Did wonders to show of her body.

The three could only watch in adoration as Marley talked throughout the night.

As the party dragged on Marley found herself getting a little bored.

She was never one with the best social skills so talking to people this long was really draining.

Sovia had left for some water leaving Marley alone since Ambree was dancing with Zarren.

Marley smiled at the two as they waltzed on the ballroom floor.

Large smiles etched into their faces as they moved in sync with one another.

Marley was about to go sit down when she heard the familiar tune of music.

She recognised the song piece from one Zarren had introduced to her and Ambree too from his kingdom.

Marley heard a small gasp from behind her amd what sounded like glass being set down quickly.

"Oh Marley I love this dance, do you know it?"

Sovia asked as she leaned in close to Marley with excitement.

Marleys face close go Sovias chest, though Sovia didn't mean to get so close to the other the queens noticed.

And they did not like it.

Demitri could hear a small growl come from her wife.

She turned to Heather who was glaring at Sovia a dark look in her eyes as her face held a frown.

Demitri couldn't blame her though she didn't like how close the girl was with Marley.

She didn't even know who the other girl was.
They watched as the girl excitedly dragged Marley to the centre of the ballroom.

Most people stepping out of the way since they were unfamiliar with this dance and song.

Now it was only Sovia, Marley, Ambree and Zarren who stood in the ballroom.

Marley glanced around and saw the people looking with anticipation.

She glanced up at the three queens.

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