Chapter 22

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3rd POV

"Your mother was the dragon queen!?"

Marley looked up at the shopkeeper, a little surprised at her outburst.

The lady's eyes were wide and mouth agape.

Marley narrowed her eyes a little and spoke.

"Yes that's correct, my father was Drystan Veles, the king."

The shopkeepers expression didn't seem to change as the information was given to her.

When she seemed to come to her senses she spoke up again.

"Wait so what's your name?"
"My name is Marleen Rosalina Sanchez, though I prefer to go by Marley."

The ladies eyes widened a bit if that was even possible, as she registered the information.

"So wait your Marleen, making you the oldest child right? I heard the stories of the king and queen. The oldest was Marleen, they had 4 children in total, is that correct?"

The shopkeeper asked.

At this point the three queens were too shocked to say anything.

This new information presented so many more questions.

Though they also felt a large amount of sympathy for their mate.

They all knew that the dragons royal family were the last to fall, since they stayed behind to try and fight back against the hunters.

The three felt bad for Marley, more so then what they originally did.

If this information was true then not only did Marleys parents die but so did her siblings and probably anyone else of her kind.

She was truly alone.

That thought saddened the three.

They realized now how much Marley would really need them.

Sure Marley doesn't know it but they are all four mates, and recently Marley had been falling further and further towards love, and it was directed towards the three.

They knew that Marley would surely be surprised at their words and probably be really skeptical about them once they told her the truth.

But in reality Marley needs the three just as much as they need her.

It goes full circle with the four, like a never ending loop of emotion, one only they can understand.

"So if your the oldest and after what happened wouldn't that technically make you a queen?"

The shopkeeper asked.

Marleys brows furrowed in displeasure, her mouth remaining a straight line,

"No, I am not."

Marley stated.

The lady and the others shared a somewhat confused expression at her answers.

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