Chapter 32

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3rd POV

Marleys eyes widened.

Her lips still connected with Heathers as Heather kept her hands on the sides of her head.
Lea and Demitri smiling secretly at the act.
Marley didn't know what to do.

'Should I kiss back?

Do I even know how to kiss?

What is happening?'

Marley's mind was running a mile a minute
After a couple of seconds Heather let go.

Her hands still remind on either side of Marley's head, but her face was now farther away as she looked down at Marley.

"I apologize, I wasn't thinking rationally, my wolf was just-"

"It's ok"


Heather looked at Marley confusion etched into her face.

Marley smiled as she looked up at Heather. In those few seconds Marley finally understood.
She understood what love was.

And she wanted to feel that forever.

"It's ok, I'm not upset,"

"Your not?"

This time Lea had asked the question.

Marley nodded her head.

She was able to clearly understand everything.
In those few seconds with the queen Marley felt pure bliss.

A peaceful feeling that she longed so long for.
She was broken and the three managed to put her back together.

And for that she loved them.

Marley finally realized it.

Despite everything.

Marley loved them.

"If anything I'm kinda grateful,"


Demitri was now standing in the opposite side of Heather, looking down at Marley.

"Had she not done that I don't think I ever would have realized,"

"Realized what?"

Marley smiled brighter as she looked up at the three, her smile causing the others to melt inside.

"It made me realize how much I love you all,"

Three three were silent.

Shock evident in their expressions.
They clearly were not expecting that.

Lea was the first to react.

She snapped out of her little daze and smiled brightly.

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