Chapter 42

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3rd POV {3 months later}

For Marley time had passed by quickly.
She had fallen into a content routine and was quite happy with her life currently.

She spends her days training with Ambree and taking care of the two children who she later learned the names were Freya and Analise

The rest of her time was well spent with her mates.
The four had gotten close and Marley found herself comfortable with the three queens.

There was only one problem in mind.

It was nearing the time for princess Ambree to return back to her kingdom.

The choice was up to Marley.

She could stay with the three queens or return with Ambree.

Ambree was quick to assure that she wasn't upset if she chose to stay in Esteban with her mates.

So then came the question of what was Marley to the three queens.

Of course she was their mate but if she was to stay with them forever what would she label their relationship.

They weren't married and no one really officially said that they were dating.

It was more of an unspoken understanding between the four women.

Though of course Marley didn't know what the other three were thinking and the events that followed would make her realise things she didn't think she would.
The day was normal, sunny and bright.
It was currently mid-morning
And Marley was out with Ambree, Zarren, and Sovia who were taking a day off in the woods.

The queens declined the offer to go with, saying that they had meetings and paperwork to catch up on.

Once the group had made their departure for the day, Demitri sighed as she closed the curtains in her window, turning around to face her two wives.

Lea and Heather both on the bed as they decided to talk about the topic at hand.

"So what are we going to do?"

Demitri asked, sitting down near their vanity.

"I don't know, what if it's too soon?"

Lea had asked, she was skeptical about the whole idea, wondering if Marley was going to accept it or not.

"Well we'll never know until we ask,"

Heather said pulling out a small box from her dress pocket. She opened it up revealing the small content in the middle of the box.

"Besides we want her to be with us forever right? "

Demitri and Lea nodded

"We'll simply have to wait until she returns then we can ask her, perhaps later tonight after dinner,"

Lea and Demitri both nodded in agreement.

Heather looked down in her hand with the small box, and rolled her thumb over the jewel.

A small ring was in the middle.
A ring that would ask the question to Marley

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