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#2. Outrageous Behavior


Third Person POV

It was now break-time and most of the students had returned to their dorms for their next class' preparation. It was quiet in the reference room as there was only the female instructor arranging the shelves.

The door was suddenly opened. Ari peeked at it at saw a familiar boy entering. The blonde didn't notice her and went to take a seat in front of one of the computers there.

He tried turning the device on but failed. Ari sneaked up behind and told him, "That one is under maintenance you know?"

"You should use the one next to it." She suggested.

Furuya almost jumped on his seat. It was surprising for someone to sneak up on him, but the woman's presence was throughly hidden. He wondered who the hell she was.

Furuya opened the next computer and it turned on smoothly. He gave his thanks and proceeded with his investigation, not minding the woman behind him.

"Pro-boxer Matsuda Jotaro

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"Pro-boxer Matsuda Jotaro... was arrrested on suspicion of muder..." He muttered.

Seeing the article she heard of, Ari commented. "That case... It caused quite a commotion back then."

Hiromistu who had just arrived exclaimed to Furuya, "I was wondering what you were doing here... so you were looking up on Matsuda's dad, huh?"

"Yeah. I was curious as to why he hates the police so much... but I didn't expect that his father had been arrested in the past."

"I was actually also curious about that earlier so I asked Hagiwara — who's quite close to him," Hiro said. "And it turned out that Matsuda's father was innocently arrested." He informed.

"Huh? Innocently arrested?" Furuya asked.

Hiro informed him, "I have heard of this case before. It seemed that on his way home from the gym, Matsuda's dad —- who was a pro-boxer witnessed two men having a conflict of some sort. But with a title match coming up, he prefered to avoid getting involved and left. He had no idea that the corpse of one of these two men would be found there the next day..."

He continued, "The police arrested Matsuda's dad based on testimonies that placed him in the area around the time of the murder. The fact that the victim was a former pro-boxer and thus had a connection to him, and the fact that the victim was beaten to death."

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