Chapter 9.

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Two Weeks Later
Krolia: Well, I think I have given you as much training as I can without repeating anything. The refining you can do just fine on your own... I think you're ready to be initiated.

Keith noticed a trace of sadness in Krolia's voice at how soon Keith would have to go back to Voltron. He didn't blame her. As he had gotten attached to several members of the Blade as well, her especially. He even learned he had a sister who was in the Blade. In a weird way, he felt a strong connection to Krolia, as well as a curiosity to meet his sister. And a part of him felt safer in the Blade.

Perhaps that was just because of what happened with Madvos and his guards. Keith brushed the feeling off as being a phase. He would receive help for it, and then move on. At least, he hoped he would.

It wasn't like he'd be locked in those cells again.

Keith: Thank you for everything, Krolia. You might just be the best teacher I ever had.

Krolia felt her throat burn around a lump of something solid and unknown. She quickly forced it down before Keith could see her discomfort.

Krolia: It wouldn't have been so easy for me to teach if you weren't such a talented student already, Yorak.

Keith had gotten used to being called Yorak surprisingly fast. In fact he started feeling as if he could go by that name permanently. Maybe it didn't have to be an alias. Which should have been easy to do, as only one person who knew him as Keith was aware that he was still alive. If one didn't count the Blade, who was barely acquainted before he took on the alias initially.

The more Keith saw his own reflection, and the more he saw himself spending the rest of his life in space, the more he felt that Yorak Akira fit him better than Keith Kogane. Maybe part of the way he could let go of the past was to fully embrace his current identity. It's not like it would have been an issue. He never planned on telling Voltron who he really was, anyway.

The pair started putting their equipment away. Krolia finding herself staring at Keith's Blade, which was still wrapped up in fabric, mostly. As he'd get his blade back from her when he was initiated.

Krolia hesitated, before speaking again.

Krolia: Yorak. Did Kolivan happen to tell you why he chose me to be your trainer so easily?

Keith shook his head, primarily putting his focus into putting his equipment away.

Keith: Not really. I just kind of assumed it was because you were a good teacher.

Krolia sighed.

Krolia: Well, I think there was a bigger reason than that, Keith...

Keith's head quickly turned to look at Krolia.

Keith: Um... How did you know that was my...?

Krolia sighed.

Krolia: Because Thace and me were the ones who gave you that name.

Krolia tensed up more as she heard the clang of a piece of armor hitting the floor. Evidently, Keith had dropped it in surprise. Looking between her and the armor piece on the ground helplessly. As he tried to come up with what to say in response.

Keith: So, you're...?

Krolia simply nodded, looking over, and unsure of whether or not she should approach her son. Maybe he wanted space, maybe not.

This confusion stuck between both parties, leaving an uncomfortable silence in the air for a moment.
Kolivan: Well, yes. That was part of why I chose her to train you. I figured if you were able to make a bond, perhaps your training would have been easier. And you would have become more comfortable being with the Blade.

Keith looked down.

Keith: So... Part of that was to help reunite me with my biological family?

Kolivan nodded.

Kolivan: I thought it was the next best option. Knowing that you're currently uncomfortable around strangers. And all other Blade members you've been acquainted with are dead. Besides, you seemed to have expressed an interest in meeting your family, as you took on their last name. For the alias at least.

Keith couldn't help but smile a bit.

Keith: Thank you for taking that into consideration, sir. Do you still have any contact with my sister...?

Kolivan nodded.

Kolivan: Yes, she, a human, and surprisingly an altean have teamed up recently. The last report she sent was that one of the research sites had to be destroyed to prevent an outbreak. And that in the process, the three found another lion.

Keith gaped in shock.

Keith: There is another lion?!

Kolivan nodded, going to he hologram to find the report. Eventually pulling it up for Keith to read, with some difficulty.

Kolivan: From what she is saying, this lion appears to serve as an extra protective layer for Voltron, rather than a necessary body part. And it was being built a long time free the original five, it wasn't even finished when they found it. So in that case it doesn't surprise me that it could have been forgotten.

Keith couldn't argue that that reasoning didn't make sense. He glanced back up at Kolivan after looking over all the parts of the report that he could understand.

Keith: Is there a plan on how to proceed after this?

Kolivan: I'm sure they have already come up with one. They'll likely try to locate the rest of Voltron, if not occupy themselves with defending any nearby planets from Zarkon's fleet.

Keith was quiet for a moment.

Keith: In that case, do you think it'll be possible for me to meet her...? Is there anything I should know about in advance?

Kolivan nodded with amused smile.

Kolivan: If not by chance, knowing Aldra, when she finds out that you're joining Voltron, it'll be a guarantee that you'll see her at some point soon. She even took on an alias as well, just like you. Though I doubt she uses it in front of her current teammates.

Keith looked down.

Keith: Actually, about the alias... is it possible that I can make that my real—or, official—name...?

Kolivan blinked, but nodded.

Kolivan: Well, yes. I don't see how any conflict could arise from that. It is your name, anyway. Does Keith Kogane not suit you anymore? Or could it also be related to what you went through?

The former paladin hung his head and nodded.

Yorak: Well... both. I don't like how what happened it still affecting me, but I guess I just have to hope that it'll go away when the alliance starts. I really thought that I could get over it sooner.

Kolivan patted the younger Galra on the back sympathetically.

Kolivan: Trauma such as what you experienced won't go away so easily. Perhaps you would be better suited to tell people you trust. If we aren't able to find someone to professionally assist, being able to vent to others should still help you to move on. It will likely happen, but you need to give it time, and seek out help in order to heal from it, Yorak.

Yorak smiled weakly, hearing Kolivan's advice, and deciding to follow it. Knowing one person he trusted already, other than Lance.

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