Chapter 12

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One Year Later
Yorak walked through the halls of the castle alone, though he didn't feel numb, or uneasy, like he normally did.

In fact, the Galra was ecstatic.

If not for the news he received about finally meeting his sister, Aldra. For the events of the previous night. Where he and Lance snuck out to go to a planet that had the few inhabitants in the universe who accepted Yorak as a paladin despite being a Galra.

It was there that another discussion happened in private. And they had both been over the Moon ever since.

At least, until they realized that the rules as paladins were that they had to get permission from Allura, and Shiro.

It wasn't like Yorak was oblivious to how the other team members, with the exception of Coran, looked at him. Despite the grit he showed to be the best and most loyal paladin, a suspicion of his true loyalty still hung in the air like a decomposing corpse, left out to the elements rather than buried.

It didn't help when they discovered he was the same Galra that was imprisoned. It took Lance to point out that this meant they captured a blade member. Rather than they'd assumption of a soldier of Zarkon's pretending to be a blade member.

So getting permission for what they desperately wanted to do would be tricky beyond measure. Especially as Yorak discovered another layer to their situation as well.

But they would figure it out, hopefully.
The paladins were enjoying dinner together. Ignoring how suspicious they seemed with how nervous Lance and Yorak looked. Noticeably more suspicious of Yorak having done something he shouldn't have.

Allura: Is something going on, you two?

Yorak shrugged.

Yorak: Um, sort of, Princess. It's not bad, but it is important.

Shiro spoke this time.

Shiro: What does this have to do with Lance? Are one of you thinking of leaving?

Lance shook his head.

Lance: I can answer that. Actually, it's not a bad thing, like Yorak said. But,

Lance grabbed Yorak's hand under the table.

Lance: Last night, Yorak and I went to Mamadas, and I proposed there. We want to get married.

The whole room went deathly quiet.

Allura: Married? After only a year?

Yorak swallowed, the tension intruding the air beginning to crowd his throat.

Yorak: Yes, Princess. We just wanted you and Shiro's approval. Since we're under your rules and wishes as paladins.

Allura sputtered.

Allura: Well, it's—I'm glad that you are happy together,

Yorak cringed at the way Allura said "happy". He also wanted to shrink back at the way the others seemed to be looking at him.

Allura: But doesn't it seem, hasty? Lance, you've had feelings for Keith ever since he joined Voltron. I didn't want to say anything when you started seeing Yorak. But it seems like you've moved on rather fast.

Yorak didn't blame Allura for noticing. They should have been official with them later.

Pidge: Yeah, sorry. But you aren't the type of person to let such strong feelings go away that easily. I mean, you were quiet for months before the Galra who killed him escaped.

Yorak's wars went down slightly, which caused a bit of suspicion to enter the already tense atmosphere.

Lance: Well, I... I just realized that it didn't matter how much I liked Keith anymore. He was gone, wasn't going to come back, and we already took out enough of our anger on that Galra. There was no use being so upset anymore. Crying wasn't going to bring him back. I knew I had to move on, for the sake of the team, and myself.

Coran smiled, both with pride and sympathy.

Coran: I'm glad that you were able to rationalize some of your emotions, my boy. But don't invalidate them. That will only hurt you more.

Yorak let what Coran said go through his mind again. Trying to distract himself from the suspicious stares. Letting his ears go down would only make him look more guilty.

Don't invalidate your feelings, huh?

Maybe that was something Yorak would need more assistance with.

Shiro: I'm sorry, but I want you two to wait a bit longer before I think it's a good idea to get married. At least two or three months.

Just then, all excitement about the engagement was gone. Yorak poked at his food nervously. Trying to hide how disappointed he was. He should have known this would happen. He knew why Shiro wanted them to wait, at least two of the reasons.

For one thing, Yorak could tell that what everyone said was genuine. They were concerned about Lance's emotional state after losing Keith.

On the other hand, Yorak could see another reason why they wouldn't want them to get too close. Just in case he was a soldier for Zarkon, they didn't want Lance to be tied up in that.

Yorak should have guessed that this would happen. It was why he hid the fact that he was a Galra back when he was known as Keith, after all.

Yorak: Y—Yes, sir.

Yorak tried his hardest to just focus on his food, but the stares were becoming unbearable. He felt self-conscious from every bite he took. The anxiety welling up in his stomach making his mouth water in an unpleasant way.

His body wanted him to stop eating and leave. His nervousness tempting him to throw what he ate back up.

When Yorak dared to look up, Coran was giving an especially uncomfortable stare. Yorak stood up, that was it.

Yorak: I'm going to go train.

As Yorak left the room, the group seemed to erupt into energetic chatter. Laughing and joking as if doing it the whole time.

Yorak swallowed a lump in his throat. Feeling like choking as he tried to push it far down. He wished more than anything to be a part of those conversations again. He missed joking with his team and family. He missed being able to open up to them. Why couldn't he participate in that friendship again?

But Yorak knew why.

He knew better than anyone else on the ship.

The watery feeling in Yorak's throat intensified. He was going to throw up. He needed to throw up.

Lance exited the dining area just in time to catch his fiancé race into the nearest bathroom. Emptying the meager contents of his stomach.

Lance: Yorak, are you sick?

Yorak would have normally called Lance an idiot. But for once, he truly had no clue.

He thought it was his anxiety, he hadn't eaten anything different. And Mamatas didn't have any illnesses floating around.

But, something seemed off about the food. His body didn't want any bit of the goo, it seemed to want any other alternative.

Yorak: I don't know.

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