Chapter 11

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Lance: "Woah, he looks great! I wonder if anyone will connect the dots... I doubt he even has to do anything with his voice!"

Lance had already known that Yorak would be in better shape by the time he came back to the palace. But he was still amazed and ecstatic at how much healthier Yorak looked. He appeared much happier, too.

The other paladins were going to greet Yorak, but Coran got there first. Showing the most genuine enthusiasm and energetically shaking Yorak's hand. The others were polite, but it seemed like they were feeling awkward at seeing the stranger. Maybe this was brought on from lasting grief of Keith's death. Probably wondering how much they were going to need to do to catch Yorak up with the bonds they had with each other as well.

It was already difficult to get Keith to have the same bond and familiarity with Lance, Pidge, and Hunk as he did with Shiro. And, conversely to get Pidge, Hunk, and Lance to develop the same trust and friendship that they already had with each other for the past few years.

Keith and Lance were the most difficult before. But now, both paladins felt slight amusement at the idea that their bonding would come easier than with everyone else this time. And all that really changed with Yorak was his name, appearance, and an addition of PTSD. Which, Lance promised to help his boyfriend through, every step of the way. Before joking about meeting his mom and making sure he made a good impression.

Coran: Pleasure to meet you my boy! You know, Red is more picky with her paladins than the others. The fact we found you so quickly is nothing short of a miracle!

Yorak couldn't help but laugh, Lance's heart melted upon seeing his boyfriend smile. He was definitely getting better, he seemed to be feeling better, but...

Lance glanced around the castle. And wondered if this would really be a good idea for Yorak's sake. At least they knew he had Coran's support. And Lance's, of course. But, the unease refused to leave Lance's mind.

Coran: You can call me Coran! I am the one that oversees the ship partially while the lions are in battle. And just know that I'm always around to give you assistance!

Yorak's smile didn't waver, in fact, if Lance didn't know any better, he seemed a bit shy. Despite having known Coran for the better part of three years.

Yorak: Thank you.

Lance went up next, cheerfully giving Yorak his hand. And giving his boyfriend a playful and flirtatious wink. Yorak's ears going back ever so slightly.

Lance: Hello, new guy! I'm Lance! Blue paladin and team sharpshooter.

Yorak smiled back, shaking Lance's hand, and attempting to conceal his blush.

Yorak: Nice to meet you, Lance.

Pidge waved with a friendly smile. Something felt familiar about the Galra. But she couldn't place it.

Pidge: Hi, I'm Pidge. Green paladin.

Hunk waved more excitedly with a bright smile.

Hunk: And I'm Hunk! Yellow paladin.

The mice climbed off of Coran's shoulder, squeaking happily at Yorak and making him smile brighter. Allura laughed.

Allura: The mice really seem to like you.

Yorak laughed a bit, Coran stepping back, and his eyes suddenly downcast as he seemed to notice something. The laugh might have been what did it. And it snowballed into something more serious.
Lance: Nice having you back on the ship, babe.

Lance kissed Yorak between the eyes.

Yorak: You keep saying that. I'm starting to wonder if you're a robot or something.

Lance faked a look of offense. Gasping dramatically for good measure.

Lance: That is an insult to the lions! They're robots, but they're as lovable as the rest of the team!

Yorak rolled his eyes.

Yorak: Yeah, I know. I was joking. Red's been even more clingy than usual though.

Lance tilted his head.

Lance: What do you mean? Wasn't she always—?

Yorak: She did always treat me like her own cub, but now that I'm back, she's even more protective of me than before. I think...

Yorak paused. Taking a moment to decide whether or not to say what he wanted to. And finishing his sentence.

Yorak: I think she's worried that the same thing from before will happen again. I don't think it will, I don't have the same type of secret as before. And those were some rather unfortunate coincidences. I doubt it will happen again, at least not to that extent. But I guess I can see why she's worried...

Lance: Well, yeah. I'm a little worried about you too. But not for the same reason. Yorak, are you sure that being back here is really good for you? You had your mom back home to help you, you had Kolivan, the whole rest of the Blade who could relate to what you struggled with. You seem happier after being with them. I was just wondering, did you think about whether or not it would be better for you to stay with them.

Yorak shook his head immediately.

Yorak: No way! I love my mom, and the Blade is great. But the team is my family. They have been since I was seventeen!

Lance: What about what they did to you?

Yorak's ears went down, and he looked away to fake obliviousness.

Yorak: What do you mean...? They weren't the ones who tortured me. You didn't know how bad it was, right? If you had known, it wouldn't have gotten so bad, right?

Lance's throat burned. He wanted to say yes immediately. But Yorak was asking about the whole team, not just his boyfriend.

Would they have made sure he wasn't put through so much if they knew?

Lance: I, I would have advocated for you. Even if I didn't know who you were, what they did, what we allowed to happen, was unforgivable.

Yorak forced their faces closer. Staring Lance in his blue eyes.

Yorak: Well, I forgave you a few months ago, didn't I? So it can't be completely unforgivable, can it?

Lance glanced away again.

Lance: I guess... "I'm just worried about the team."

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