Chapter 15

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Lance walked with Yorak to the dining hall with his arm around his fiancé's shoulder. Ready to tell the team the news together. Yorak was nervous, but Lance considered it the best news he had heard in a whole year.

Lance: Remember, if they've got something to say, I'll make sure I hear it just as loudly.

Yorak raised an eyebrow.

Yorak: How would that help? Both of us are still going to have to deal with them being mad at us.

Lance blew a raspberry.

Lance: I can handle some comments. I've gotten them plenty of times. I just wanna make sure they aren't putting all the blame on you.

Yorak's ears went down as he glanced away.

Yorak: Because I'm a galra...

Yorak glanced at his stomach.

Yorak: We'll both be galra...

Lance hugged him closer.

Lance: Don't worry. I promise we can handle this.

Yorak: You sure?

Lance nodded with a confident smile. As they got closer, they heard the team arguing about something.

Lance: Absolutely! Not sure what they're talking about now, but it'll be fine!

The pair walked in together. It didn't take long for one of them to notice they sat down. When they did, everyone was giving them looks.

Yorak sat closer to Lance as they ate in silence. Yorak being able to enjoy he food Hunk made without being worried about throwing it up. Even directing a smile at Hunk.

Yorak: Thanks, Hunk. I haven't had much to eat today, it's great like always.

Hunk's face went slightly red, and he smiled nervously.

Hunk: Oh, well... No problem! Have to make sure our teammates don't starve, right?

Yorak blinked. He was fairly certain that that was the first time anyone but Lance and Coran had called him a member of the team.

Allura cleared her throat.

Allura: Well, Shiro and I have arranged another bonding session in a few quintants. I was hoping it would be able to finally make things work a little better. But, with the progress we had the last times, and with current circumstances,

Yorak felt a chill run up his back as her tone turned icy cold for a moment.

Allura: I'm not sure just how much it'll work. In terms of building trust, I mean.

Lance looked around and narrowed his eyes. Pulling Yorak closer in a side hug.

Lance: What's with the sour looks? Did we break something on accident?

Allura glared.

Allura: Don't act so casual and joke about something so serious. Yorak, are you really in that condition?!

Yorak's ears went down. Feeling pinned by the stares of the other team members.

Yorak: Um, where'd you get that guess from?

Allura folded her arms.

Allura: Hunk heard you both talking earlier. After the mission that Yorak missed? Yorak, why wouldn't you tell us about Red rejecting you immediately?

Yorak looked at the table briefly. The smell of the goo made him a little nauseous.

Yorak: I'm sorry, I had to go with Coran during the mission to find out why Red rejected me because she only said it was health related.

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