Chapter 10

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The Next Day
As Yorak took his oath, and was being initiated as an official Blade member, he noticed Krolia looking somewhat worried. Kolivan had alerted Voltron that an alliance was possible. And that they had a member in mind to take on the role of the red paladin.

Yorak was glad that Krolia was immediately supportive of him after he told her what happened. But there was now a consequence of her being slightly protective of him, and being worried about him going back to Voltron.

Once the initiation ended with Krolia handing Yorak his blade, the paladins sent them a signal stating that they would be there soon. As in, Shiro and Allura would be going, and bringing Red to see if she would chose that member.

Krolia and Yorak shared a hug.

Krolia: You can always come back here if things don't work out. And you can feel safe telling us anything that happens.

Yorak: Okay, I'll really try to make his work, though.

Krolia smiled weakly.

Krolia: Which is why we'll be respectful of every decision you make. Just—promise me, if something bad happens to you, at least tell one person about it?

Yorak nodded.

Yorak: I will.

Krolia suddenly smiled a bit.

Krolia: Oh, and I got a surprise contact from your sister, it seems she and her team are trying to contact Voltron. So, who knows? You probably won't be the only Galra there.

Yorak suddenly beamed, hugging Krolia back. Both excited to see meet his older sister, and relieved that he wouldn't be all alone. Just as an alert came in telling them that the team had arrived.

Yorak: Thank you for everything. I'll try and keep contact.

Krolia: You're welcome. And good luck.

Yorak nodded, moving to stand with the other members as Shiro and Kolivan greeted one another.

Shiro: Hello, Kolivan. It's pleasant to see you again.

Kolivan: Same to you. I hope that your trip here wasn't a hinderance to your plans.

Allura spoke up with a sweet smile.

Allura: Not at all. In fact, it has been more of a hinderance to try fighting without being able to form Voltron.

Kolivan nodded, Yorak tensing up slightly as he recognized that his cue was approaching.

Kolivan: In that case. I suppose we should move the topic to the alliance.

Shiro: Yes, we know you offered to have one of your members stand in as our new red paladin. However I'm worried that they'll be uncomfortable leaving and staying with strangers for an unknown period of time.

Kolivan turned to look at Yorak.

Kolivan: That is up to him. But I will say, that up to this point, he has shown to be dead-set on being the one to bridge the alliance. He has wanted to provide as much help as he can to our causes. And to make himself as useful as possible to end the war and defeat Zarkon.

Shiro seemed relieved to hear that.

Shiro: Well, that makes me feel better. And we have told our other paladins to be as welcoming as possible so that the change is easier. Especially since Voltron's performance in battle is heavily dependent on the bonds between the pilots.

Kolivan smiled.

Kolivan: That is nice to hear. I'm sure it will work out fine. Now, I suppose we are done with the pleasantries. If I can ask the member in question to come up and introduce himself?

Yorak's body tensed up immediately. However he reacted and started to walk forward, displaying a calm, but timid expression on his face. He hid what he felt. The immense nervousness that he despised.

Yorak: "What am I nervous about? I know them. I even considered them my own family. I have no reason to feel this way."

Yorak forced a searing lump down his throat. Recognizing why he felt the way he did. A name came into mind.

Yorak: "Stop it. Keith is gone. I know it. They know it. I shouldn't be thinking about that now. That life is over and done with. I just need to focus on making this new life worth it."

Yorak finally stopped walking, standing straight in front of Allura and Shiro next to Kolivan. Saluting before speaking as confidently and clearly as he could. Knowing that there was no need to change the sound of his voice. Keith Kogane was dead.

Yorak: Hello. My name is Yorak Akira. It is an honor to meet you, and to potentially serve as your new Red Paladin.

Allura blinked.

Allura: Oh. Nice to meet you as well. You're a younger member?

Yorak nodded, maintaining his composure to the best of his ability. He knew why they looked a little surprised, for a Marmoran Galra like him, he was very small. So he looked younger than he really was.

Yorak: Yes, but I promise that I won't let that stop me from being the best warrior I can be to defeat Zarkon. Whether that means I'll be a paladin or not.

Shiro smiled.

Shiro: I am glad to hear that, Yorak. Why don't we show you to Red? See if she thinks you're the right one?

Yorak nodded. Forcing the nervousness down again with the knowledge of how ridiculous it was to feel it. Red picked him before, Allura commented on the fact that Red cared for him more than the other lions did for their paladins.

Then again... she loved Keith like he was her cub. Yorak, was, different... He wasn't Keith. At least, not the one she chose as her Paladin that day.

Without realizing, Yorak found himself standing in front of Red. Shiro gave him a nod, and the young Galra stepped closer. Slowly and cautiously, until he could feel the heat radiating from the bright red shield around the lion.

Yorak stuck his hand out, laying it on the barrier, which disappeared instantly. Red even roaring happily, though Yorak was sure only he could hear it. Finally producing a sincere, soft smile.

Yorak: "I missed you too."

Shiro and Allura smiled brightly.

Shiro: Well, congratulations, Yorak. Welcome to the team!

Yorak smiled a bit. Going to his mother for a quick hug before leaving.

Krolia: I'll miss you. Promise you'll keep yourself safe?

Yorak: I will, and I'll miss you too...

The ride back was quiet at first, Yorak flying Red back into her hangar. Red purring with joy the entire time, making Yorak smile as well.

When he stepped out, he went next to Allura as she gathered the others in the castle.

Allura: Paladins, the meeting was successful. This is our new teammate, Yorak.

Yorak waved as the others greeted him kindly. And he looked around the place. A feeling mixed with comfort, and fear washed over him.

Yorak: "Here again. As the new me."

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