Chapter 16

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Coran: You know, when the rule said you needed permission from a superior to get married, it never specified that all of them needed to give permission. And it doesn't have to be the Black paladin specifically.

Yorak looked up.

Yorak: What do you mean?

Coran looked away mischievously.

Coran: Well, I was just thinking. If you wanted me to, I could be the one to give you the blessing to get married. Unlike Allura and Shiro, I don't have trust issues. And I have the authority to tell them to kick off if they don't like it.

Lance and Yorak lit up.

Lance: Really?!

Coran smiled at them.

Coran: Of course. You clearly love one another deeply, and you're handling your current endeavor perfectly so far. I see no reason to deny you like Shiro and Allura have.

Lance and Yorak hugged Coran.

Lance: Thank you!

Coran smiled.

Coran: You're both welcome. We'll just have to plan this out and do it when Shiro and Allura are busy or asleep so they don't catch us.

Coran winked as he said the last part. Pidge raised her hand confidently.

Pidge: I can help with that! I am find a way to hide cameras to know that they're sleeping. And even lock the doors and pretend to be fixing them if they wake up too fast!

Yorak smiled.

Yorak: So, we'll just need to plan this out?

Everyone nodded confidently.

This didn't necessarily improve the circumstances involving Shiro and Allura. But at least Yorak knew Hunk and Pidge tolerated him being their teammate.

It made bonding exercises much easier than before. And it became clear that part of the reason Pidge and Hunk were so apologetic was because Pidge realized that he was the Galra that was imprisoned. And she told Hunk as a result.
One Month Later
Yorak paused as he looked himself over in the mirror. Wishing that he could erase everything he was seeing with no consequences.

He thought changing his name and appearance would be a great way to start over. But apparently he was wrong. Why did they have to go wrong?

He thought it would be a fresh beginning. But now he was only reminded of what was done to him every day he looked at himself and heard the name 'Yorak'.

He missed being called Keith. He missed looking like Keith. He missed being Keith. But he couldn't go back no matter how much he wanted to. Not after everything that happened.

If it had been an earlier time, he simply could have come back, having miraculously survived the Galra attack. But that's not what he did.

Lance came in, gently touching Yorak's shoulder.

Lance: Are you alright, Yorak?

Yorak shook his head.

Keith: Can... Can you please call me Keith again...? At least when we're alone?

Lance nodded immediately pulling Keith into a hug.

Lance: You want to talk about it? Maybe it's time for them to know the truth?

Keith clung to Lance tightly, hesitation clear in every breath.

Keith: I want to. I want to so badly. But what if this makes it worse...?

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