Chapter 5.

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Meanwhile (Matt)
The group finally landed on the planet and started looking around. Aldra felt a sense of nostalgia when she walked around. And she knew why.

Eventually the group found a very old but sturdy structure. Matt noticing Aldra's reaction to seeing it.

Matt: Do you know this place?

Aldra nodded.

Aldra: When I was originally a part of the Blade, I was stationed here to guard the artifacts. Or, rather to be a guard for the containment area of the base.

Matt and he others lit up a bit, as they realized there was a high chance they wouldn't have gotten any information otherwise.

Matt: So do you think you can help get in?

Aldra nodded.

As the group went through the halls, the majority of the group went to check out some areas, while Aldra and Matt went to unlock some of the doors.

Aldra: This is weird... Usually there are guards stationed everywhere.

The group wound up getting their explanation when they entered the structure. There was an attack. Aldra went over to the computers first, typing in a few passwords and getting in amused.

Matt: How do you know what the password is?

Aldra smiled, holding herself back from laughing. It used to be a running joke within her field of work and especially in that particular structure.

Aldra: The people working here never actually change the passwords. They actually come up with four passwords, have everyone working here memorize them completely. And they they would switch which ones were actually the passwords in a sequence of sorts. It's kind of like those pattern games you played when you were a kid. Where a different color was assigned a number, and it was set in a specific order? It's like that, but you only change which color is the password every six months or so. Half a decepheb for those of you who don't know what months are.

Matt resisted the urge to laugh. Knowing that he and Aldra were the only ones who had a clue how time worked on earth as opposed to the majority of space.

Thankfully, everyone else thought it was funny as well. So they all shared a joke as a team.

Matt: Wait, do other Galran ships and whatnot do that?

Aldra shrugged.

Aldra: I'd be surprised if we were the only ones. But this kind of thing is only permitted for less known sites. Places that are less likely to be attacked and raided. I don't think they do this for any of the main ships.

Matt: Oh.

Afterwards, Aldra began navigating the computer, finding a security alert. When she pressed the alert, she was directed to security camera footage that caused the alert to be sounded. The group had assumed it was Voltron. But instead, they wound up being confused about what happened.

The footage showed guards from the facility fighting each other. Some being tame and only punching or biting one another, but others going far enough to kill their colleagues.

Voltron did seem to arrive a little while later. But by then everyone in the structure seemed to be dead, so they had left only a few minutes after arriving.

Aldra then remembered something about her training, involving one of the main weapons stored in the structure being able to emit a strange radiation. One that hadn't been fully tested yet.

Aldra: I think I know what happened, follow me.

Aldra led the rest of the group to where the weapon was being stored, hoping that it was still there. But mainly hoping that she hadn't forgotten how to get to it.
Pidge had paced back to her lab to get the lie detector results again, only to find the machine smashed. This was after finding the blood test results missing.

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