Chapter 7.

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Lance had the forethought to lock his door in case somebody walked to his room. The last thing he wanted was to be responsible for having Keith be put through all of that again.

It was late when the Paladins were asleep, but Lance and Keith were having trouble. Lance because he was afraid to wake up and find out that Keith was actually dead or that he had failed to protect him after getting him out of the cell. Keith because he was afraid to wake up in that cell again.

The pair were in bed, hugging each other close for comfort. Before all of what happened they would have been embarrassed, but now they couldn't care less. In fact, they likely would have stayed together like this even if the mess hadn't happened.

Lance: Hey, are you going to be okay tomorrow...? I'll have to go to group meetings and training and stuff. Will you be alright on your own?

Keith nodded.

Keith: It's better than being with those guards at least...

Lance pulled Keith closer.

Lance: Keith, I'm so sorry... I wish I had figured it out sooner... maybe we would have still had our kid if I had just been a little more observant...

Keith looked up at Lance surprised.

Keith: Wait, you... really would have wanted that...? With me?

Lance nodded with a small smile.

Lance: Well, yeah... Keith, I didn't do that with you just for fun, I like you—I love you. I wanted to tell you before you got imprisoned...

Keith smiled then.

Keith: And, you don't care that I'm a Galra?

Lance shook his head.

Lance: Not at all. The only reason I would is because I know the team would be cruel to you for it.

Even though Keith was covered in fur, Lance could tell he was blushing.

Keith: Well, good... Because I love you too, Lance.

Lance smiled again and pulled Keith close. The pair looked each other before they finally pulled each other in for a kiss.

Keith: Should we, see if this'll work out, then?

Lance nodded.

Lance: Yeah, I wanna give this a try. And I'll do whatever I can to help you regain your health.

The pair went in for another kiss, but this time it lingered, and they started feeling something else. Once they recognized it, they looked at each other again.

Keith: Do you, want to?

Lance nodded.

Lance: Yeah.

The next kiss led into something much more passionate.
The Next Day
Lance was brought into the meeting room early in the morning to receive news along with the guards.

Lance: What is it?

Allure sighed.

Allura: Well, according to Commander Madvos, the Galra has escaped.

Lance held his composure, despite nervousness creeping up on him.

Lance: He did? How?

Commander Madvos: No clue. Tempu said that nobody came in from their door. So perhaps someone came in through another entrance.

Coran suddenly spoke up.

Coran: Right! There is an air-lock entrance on the side of the room. And it looked like the lock was broken off, yes?

Tempu nodded.

Tempu: It was.

Coran: Well, I think we can figure out what happened then! It is unfortunate that no information was gained, but there's nothing we can do now.

Shiro nodded.

Shiro: So, Commander Madvos, everyone. I think you've stayed longer than planned, so it's only fair that you head back to your home as soon as possible. We will assist if necessary.

Madvos seemed irritated by this, but didn't argue.

Lance was able to go back to his room, locking the door again, and finding Keith still asleep. Then again, it was still early in the day.

Lance was still sleepy, so he got back in bed with Keith, holding him close before falling back asleep.
Two Months Later
Hunk: Hey, have you been feeling okay, lately?

Lance looked up and nodded, giving Hunk a confused expression.

Lance: I'm fine. What do you mean?

Hunk: Well, you've just been acting kind of off... you've been sneaking around and everything. And Pidge says she's seen you taking some extra food in the middle of the night.

Lance paled a bit. He had managed to keep Keith hidden from the team for two Earth months. Helping to bring Keith back to full health. While also maintaining a good, official relationship.

Keith was obviously still shaken up by what happened, but Lance was patient and helped him through the PTSD. Lance even wondered if once Zarkon was defeated, he and Keith could go somewhere to start over. Maybe another area on Earth for the sake of familiarity. Or maybe they could go somewhere new. A place that didn't have a bias against Galra.

What surprised Lance, however, was when Keith said that he wanted to stay involved with the war and keep fighting. He even said he wanted to try piloting Red again. And told Lance that he felt useless if he was just being hidden away, being isolated wouldn't help his emotional and mental state anyway.

So, he and Lance came up with an idea for Keith to pilot Red.

At dinner, Lance got everyone's attention.

Lance: Hey, I was thinking I could help look for a candidate to pilot Red. And, I was wondering if you guys would be willing to let a Galra onto the team?

Everyone paused.

Allura: Well, I, wouldn't mind. As long as they are from the Blade, as I know for a fact that they are on the same side as us. But I don't think that's where the issue could be.

Shiro looked at Lance apologetically.

Shiro: It sounds like a good idea for better relations. But to be frank, we might have tortured one of their members. I would be surprised if they wanted any association with us after that.

Pidge: Plus, their primary goals reside in taking out the empire from the inside rather than using clear attacks. I'm not sure if many of them would have the incentive to do the opposite of what they were trained for.

Lance looked down.

Lance: Well, why don't I just try...? I don't know if I can believe that nobody would want to help if we can't form Voltron to defeat Zarkon offensively. Even if they weren't necessarily trained for it. I could even offer to help them with the bayard they'd be using.

Allura sighed.

Allura: As long as it doesn't end in a major fight. It wouldn't hurt to try. Especially since we're unable to form Voltron at the moment.

Lance lit up, maybe this would work.

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