yandere female character x male autistic reader

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so the art belongs to a friend of mine and so it's from mha and quirk is mind manipulation and so the reader has very strong will so he's immune to her quirk, this was just to add so i can get back at my friend for being a pervert and weird person in a way where she constantly tormented me, oh yea her name is raven, also the reader may be autistic but is smart enough to understand things, this chapter was requested by Waduno. anyways let the story BEGIN.

y/n pov
another shitty day at school. i left dorm and headed to my first class. wanting to get there in time i head out a bit early. i walked through the halls which were currently mostly empty. it's how i like it. no one to bump into or have to. no one to laugh or make fun of me. i don't know why they do it probably cause i have autism. but i try to ignore them or avoid them but most days that don't work though. i push the thoughts away and keep heading to class, then i rounding into the corner when i bumped into them (insert bully encounter here since i don't feel like writing it).


i sit down on the floor (if a fight broke out add details for that too i guess since i'm really lazy today). i heard footsteps next to me so i looked down and tried to make myself less visible.

???: hey, y/n was it, are you okay?

my expression quickly morphs into that of a surprised one as i look up to see the person that is talking to me, it was a girl kneeling on the floor in front of me.

y/n: y-yes. i stutter out in surprise.

???: what happened here? she asked with a concern voice, her face reflecting the same emotions.

y/n: i don't wanna talk about it. i said quickly wanting to avoid the subject.

y/n: are you new here? i ask cause she didn't look familiar at all.

???: yeah i transferred from ua high. she responds but i never heard of that place.

???: i actually have (y/n's first hour) as my first class, i was lost if you don't mind showing me around unless it's a bother to you.

y/n: no it's no problem i have (first hour teacher) first too, i was heading there originally when some things happened. i said while looking away in shyness.

as we head to first talks with me, she ask about my life which i refused to talk about and when i ask about her she's the said nothing about it either. we finally arrived at (first hour teacher's) room and we headed inside. we get into the class and i sit in the back/middle/front corner. raven sits right next to me, but i take no particular notice to it. a few minutes later right before rang a few kids from (bully's group) entered the room. i groan internally and just wish to not have another conflict. the teacher starts lesson of the hour.


the teacher starts talking again after the bell rings.

3rd person pov

y/n and raven go through first hour fine, same with second hour. third hour has confrontation (bully's group) gang. lunch time has a confrontation but this time raven helps y/n out. fourth through sixth hour are fine. y/n parts ways with raven after sixth hour. y/n goes to sleep.


raven went to kill off the bully's by torturing/killing them slowly. the next day y/n notices that (bully's group) is nowhere in sight and someone may bring up they were missing. as he wonders the halls all of a sudden a feeling of nausea washes over him and he rushes to the bathroom hoping to get whatever was bad out of him.

raven: weird.

y/n quickly turned around to see raven right there.

y/n: what the hell is happening to me.

raven: well i tried to use my quirk but it seems it doesn't work on you which is weird, but i can't let you go that easily.

before he said anything she had a iron bar and hit him on the head knocking him out while raven drags him out of school to do god knows what to him.

the end

sorry that i couldn't make it even better but my health is still not doing too good it's been crazy since the 29th and some things happened some were good and some were bad, right now i am like 50% of myself right now, on 2nd of july i went up camping up in wisconsin with my grandparents from my dads side and i got a picture taken of me and my grandfather together

sorry that i couldn't make it even better but my health is still not doing too good it's been crazy since the 29th and some things happened some were good and some were bad, right now i am like 50% of myself right now, on 2nd of july i went up cam...

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and i started listening to music and my music had got me to think some things over and this is the music that helped me

i decided that if i ever was gonna leave then i have to get my stuff done, after all the undertaker did it he got what he wanted then he left, if he can do it so can i, anyways bye

yandere female various x male reader Where stories live. Discover now