yandere zatanna x male reader

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3rd person pov

it was dark and stormy night in the streets of new york city. the streets were occasionally lit by the dim glow of a functional street lamp.

water poured from the sky as a man walks down the street, trying his best to stay under anything that would help him dry. the man grumbled to himself as he tried to get back to his home.

he glanced around quickly to see if he was close to home yet. his gaze swept over posters that littered the walls. various movie posters, and a few ads for a magic show made up the majority of them. the man shook his head and continued walking.

as he walked, there was a thunderous crash from somewhere nearby.

y/n's pov

what was that noise?! i wondered as my head snapped towards the origin of the noise.

y/n: was that thunder or something else? i asked, soon getting my answer as a group of people dressed in dark clothing come running around the corner.

they were carrying a bunch of bags, they were followed by the sound of alarms going off and a squad of guards running after them. they were all barreling towards me when a woman floated to the ground nearby, she was dressed in a white dress shirt with a dark dress coat/jacket, she donned a black top hat with a white stripe.

she also wore a grey leggings and black boots, she resembled magician.

the thugs pulled out there guns and aimed them at the woman and myself. i put my hands in the air and start to slowly back away, the woman raises her arm and speaks.

???: taeh rieht s'nopaew latem!

suddenly the thugs weapons glowed red and a sizzling filled the air. a scream of pain tears through the rainfall, as the thugs drop there guns, there gloves burnt through by the molten metal.

???: egnahc sehtolc otni sgnidnib! the woman shouts, and in response the clothing on the robbers starts to twist and snake around them, immobilizing them.

my jaw dropped in shock, she was so powerful. i shake my head to snap out of it, i still needed to get home.

3rd person pov

little did y/n know, the bright cyan-eyed woman's gaze followed him as he disappeared around a corner.

???: he's perfect. i want him.... i need him.

???: etativel * she murmured and floated away to a nearby rooftop. * wohs em eht eno i evol. she whispered. she shuts her eyes and her face twisted into a grin.

???: oh y/n, you'll be mine soon enough, my dear. she giggled.


y/n had just returned to his house. he had hoped attention doesn't come towards him cause he sure as hell don't want to get interrogated about it, he preferred the quiet life after all.

y/n: alright going to bed and gonna put this behind me (NOT). he said about to let sleep take him.

timeskip again
y/n's pov

for some reason my bed feels nice. i wonder why though it never has been this...comfortable * i open my eyes only to see the same lady as last night was laying right next to me cuddling with me. * what the?! i yelled falling off the bed but sitting up and looking at her.

she seemed to notice me being awake, she sat up too, with a insane smile.

???: oh your awake dear~? she asked with that insane grin like expression on her face.

y/n: why the hell are you here?! i don't want any trouble! i yelled hoping the woman would get what she wants and leave.

???: i'm here for you dear, and you only. she said lustfully.

then before y/n could think she got up and she muttered words y/n couldn't hear or understand, but then y/n started shrinking and before he knew it he's small as a mouse.

y/n panicked even more, he tried to run but zatanna caught him and slowly put him in her hat and all y/n could see before everything went dark was where she waved her wand while muttering words then a flash and everything became dark.

the end

hey guys, man it's been awhile since i updated, life has been interesting for me, but fear not i'm not dead yet, i'm still alive!! next up is yandere kitana x male reader!

yandere female various x male reader Where stories live. Discover now