yandere erza x male reader (fairy tale)

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( hey guys this might a short one but please enjoy, also warning lemon forced)
3rd person POV

y/n was walking home after a long day of work, he was actually excited laying on his bed watching tv and do some reading on his phone, he was on madara crossover fanfiction fairy tale, he has never watched fairy tale before, he has had thoughts about watching it ever since he discovered it but quickly dispelling them, he was hoping to see his roommate/girlfriend f/h, she and him went way back they we're friends at first but decided to take it to the next level. but things were definitely about to change.

(still 3rd person POV)

y/n made it to the front door opened it and went inside.

y/n: f/h you here?

no reply, then y/n saw what would always haunt him forever.

f/h was on the ground dead, all butchered up as if she was brutally tortured.

y/n: oh my god!! he said as tears were running down his face , but then.

???: now we can together forever~.

and y/n quickly turned but was hit on the head and everything turned to black.


y/n woke up tied to a bed and in his boxers with rose petals around the bed.

y/n: what the hell?!

the door opened and you were speechless at who it was, it was erza but in sexy lingerie

the door opened and you were speechless at who it was, it was erza but in sexy lingerie

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erza: hello love ready for your punishment~?

y/n: you! your not supposed to be real, and what do you mean "love"?!

erza: well i was at first i wasn't real, but someone made a wish and i became real, at first i was depressed that all of my life was just a show, so i killed the man for it, i was going to kill myself but that was until i saw you y/n,

y/n: what?

erza began waking over to the bed and taking off her clothes and walking towards y/n, and then crawling sexually on the bed while she was at it.

erza: when i first saw you, i knew it was love at first sight, but then i saw you with that bitch.

y/n was getting scared.

y/n: it was you, your the one that killed her aren't you?

erza: that's right, nobody takes my y/n away from me!!

erza: and i'll make sure no one takes my y/n away from me~.

y/n: what do you want from me?

erza: why your love of course, i'm gonna get it one way or another~.

erza then grabbed a gage and shoved it in y/n's mouth, then starting sucking his dick, and started sucking harder and harder.

erza's mind: ooh~ he taste delicious, i wonder what would he be like inside of me?~

then y/n came and then erza swallowed it all, then erza climbed on top.

erza: now for the finely.~

then erza slam down and began slamming harder and harder.

erza: oh y/n you feel so big and good, i'm gonna get addicted!!

then she started bouncing, then you came inside of erza, erza decided to take off the the gage then started kissing forcefully shoving her tongue in, while bouncing a little.

y/n: please let me go, i will do anything.

erza: sorry but no, we're going to be together forever, i will kill anyone who interferes with our love.~

then after that erza kept y/n away from the outside world and they were never found, you were forced to be the husband of erza scarlet now erza l/n the end.

yandere female various x male reader Where stories live. Discover now