yandere nina the killer x male reader

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3rd person pov

the day was january 19th, night had approached way too fast. y/n has been watching a movie called gangs of new york, but he could never shake the feeling of being watched.

he just thought it was his nerves getting to him.
the wind hits hard against the house, the tree branch kept hitting the window so y/n decided to remove the branch from the tree. he traveled to his backyard to his shed to acquire a saw to remove the branch.

his hand reaches for the slightly rusted handle of the shed door, whispers of the wind goes through his ears, but a giggle also goes his ears and ring over and over.

y/n makes a dash towards his door, but it closes shut locking on him.

the giggles grow louder and more could be heard, the constant repeating of the word "mine" chimes and rattles in the air.

all the air inside y/n is knocked out in a split second, now realizing he was pushed down to the ground on his stomach.

he flips himself over onto his back to see a figure in pitch black robes, the hood covers the creatures/persons face but a hand with a knife is quiet visible.

with wide eyes and a shanking body y/n gets up, only to be pushed down again by the figure in black robes who bares a knife, splattered in blood. y/n pushes his feet to the ground pushing himself to the fence, once he reaches it a knife goes through his jacket near the shoulder. he glances at the knife and how close it was to his arm or face only to be turn his head to a demonic face.

big light blue eyes stare crazily into his, it's grin larger then the jokers and eyes never shut. y/n stunned by fear cannot move or talk, the silence broken by the creature/person, it/they stand up and removes they're cloak to show a womanly figure.

she had a carved smile into a chelsea grin, hey eye lids were sewn wide open, she was wearing a fuchsia colored hoodie, she had a mini skirt, red and black striped thigh high socks, and purple converse shoes. her hair is jet black and is tied into a high ponytail in a bright red bow, her hair has a single magenta streak.

???: you lost this game my prince.... * she got on all fours like a cat and crawled towards y/n all the way where there noses are touching. * now i get my prize... * she digs in one of her pockets to pull out a collar and chains. * oh how fun it was watching you, dreaming of you, now you are mine and that's twice as fun, we can do everything i wanted together... * she places the collar on y/n tightening it to wear it's almost hard to breath but she losses it, only to dig her hands and nails into his head and kisses him. the pain was too much he wanted to scream but his mouth was pre occupied with the dead cold lips and a wet tongue through his teeth and on his tongue. she stopped and pulled herself closer to his ear. * FOREVER!!!

narrator pov
y/n was never found again, police have checked his home but only found words carved on the wall saying "mine".

the end

words in total: 578

yandere female various x male reader Where stories live. Discover now