yandere kitana x male reader

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3rd person pov

warning forced lemon

y/n had never thought he be part of this so called tournament, to defend earthrealm from outrealm.

he still having trouble accepting this was real.

after all he was just bullied constantly in high school because how shy he was to girls he liked and he wasn't very good looking so that gave others a reason to pick on him.

so he learned martial arts and everyone left him alone after that, he still couldn't pick up a girl after that because he still wasn't good looking and lacked the confidence to ask a girl out.

this was the first night of the tournament, everyone was standing on the side after the first fight was finished. the announcer shang tsung had announced that the next final battle for the night was kitana vs baraka.

y/n had never seen who two of them before but he found himself curious about who they were and what they looked like.

one guy who was creepy looking, with his sharp teeth and those blades popping out of his arms gave y/n the creeps.

then a girl went and stood in front of the baraka guy. just by seeing her y/n's breath got taken away, she was the most attractive woman he has ever seen, despite the skimpy clothes she wore.

the fight started, though it went fast and kitana was just about to kill baraka. (i'm too lazy to write the battle, have the video to 0:02-0:26)

she breathed heavily to calm her nerves as she was covered in baraka's blood. she turned slowly to y/n's direction, pointed and shouted.

kitana: he's mine!! she yelled then walking away.

y/n was scared out of his mind. y/n: what the hell did i do to her?

earlier that night in kitana's pov

i was waiting for shang tsung and i was standing outside, it was a beautiful night. i remember being a little girl looking outside to the stars and wondering about being married to someone, what would he be like, etc.

when i looked out i saw this boy, he was the most handsome man i have ever seen, just by looking at him makes me feel wet(i feel dirty).

baraka came up to me and we exchanged some words (i'm too lazy to write the conversation) then he told me he was going to kill my soon-to-be husband. i was pissed, he was going to hurt my soon-to-be husband, and he threatened to kill him right front of me!!

i gave him a swift death, unleashing my pent up rage, then turned to my true love and pointed and yelled he is mine, then walked away.


y/n's pov

i was in the rooms that look like a hotel. i have been sharing this room with johnny cage. but i call him john for short.

y/n: i'm telling you, that woman in blue skimpy clothes is gonna kill me!

john: okay, okay calm down kid. if you really want to get rid of her so badly, i'm fighting her tomorrow and i'll kill her.

y/n: oh my god, thank you! at least that crazy woman isn't my problem anymore. i said putting my hand on my face, to try to soothe my stress and anxiety.

yandere female various x male reader Where stories live. Discover now