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Louis’s POV

I pulled my phone from my pocket as it vibrated. I had just changed and left the locker room. It was Jasmine.

To Louis: we need to talk… asap!

Great! Was she mad about something else? I guess I need to go see what this is…

To Jasmine: On my way.

I walked to her dorm and knocked on her door. She opened it a second later and I walked in, expecting her to be pissed at something. I took my normal seat in the computer chair and faced her.

“What’s up?” I asked. She sat on her bed and faced me. She took a breath and her gaze met mine.

“Are you a vampire?” she asked completely serious.

“What? What makes you ask that?” I asked as I stared at her in shock.

“Well, when you touched my wrists, they healed and after you left I searched online for it happening to someone else and I emailed them. We talked for a bit and after talking to them I’ve come to the conclusion that you are one,” she said staring at me. I looked at the floor unsure what to say. Should I just tell her since she already knows? I took a deep breath met here gaze.

“I am,” was all I said. She let out a quick breath like she was almost expecting me to say, “No, are you crazy? They don’t exist.”

“Seriously? How did it happen?”

“Are you not scared?”

“No, I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” She was right, I wouldn’t, but how did she know. I am a vampire after all.

“That night that I went to talk to the team and they beat me up and left me in the alley, they left me for dead. If Elena, Stefan, and Damon hadn’t come along, I wouldn’t be here. They changed me to save my life,” I explained.

“Oh,” she said as she tried to process what I said. “So, your team mates basically killed you, then?”

“Pretty much,” I told her. “I spent the week after that with the ones that found me. They taught me how to control the thirst and powers and such while I was in public.”

“How do you go out in the sun?” she asked. I held up my hand and showed her the ring.

“This ring lets me go out in the sun. Elena said a witch put a spell on it so that as long as I’m wearing it, the sun won’t bother me. They all have one, too,” I explained. We talked for a while longer before I told her about the guys. “Jasmine, the team won’t be bothering you anymore. Well, they won’t be mean anymore,” I said looking at her.

“Why? What did you do?”

“I just expressed to them that I didn’t like the fact that they were being mean to you, so they won’t be like that anymore,” I said.

“We’ll see,” she said looking at the floor. I sat beside her on the bed and made her look at me.

“Listen, if they do anything remotely mean to you, tell me. I told them there would be consequences if they didn’t leave you alone,” I said as I looked her in the eyes. I could see the tears form in her eyes and I hugged her to me. “Please don’t cry,” I begged. She clutched on to my shirt. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve just never had anyone care that people were bothering me like that before. Why do you care, anyway?” she asked as she looked up at me.

“You really want to know?” I asked. She nodded her head yes.  “Well, to be honest, I’ve liked you since we met in school all those years ago, but I could never tell you.”

“Then why did you make fun of me?”

“I told you already, because I thought they would kick me off the team. I felt so bad every time I did it. It felt like someone punched me in the stomach every time I saw your face when one of us had said something. I hated doing it.”

“You really like me?” I laughed and looked down at her.

“Yes, I really do,” I smiled at her. She returned the smile and hugged me again, hiding her face in my neck. After a few minutes, she pulled back and looked at me.  “What?”

“Can you do something for me?” she asked.

“Anything,” I smiled at her.

“Show me your fangs,” she said as she blushed. I laughed and looked at her.

“You’re sure you want to see them?”

“Yea,” she smiled. I shook my head and looked at her. “Can I take a picture?”

“Only if you don’t let anyone see it,” I told her.

“Agreed,” she smiled. I felt my fangs drop down and I smiled at her. She smiled back at me and lifted her camera to take a picture.

I thought they might scare her, so I was surprised when she leaned in and looked closely at them.

“Can I touch them?” she asked shyly. I looked at her confused. “I’ve always been into stuff like this, no one ever knew because no one ever got close enough to me to see the real me,” she explained. I nodded and opened my mouth so she could get a better look. She brought her finger up to trace along each of my fangs before she pulled it back and looked at me. “Amazing,” she said with a smile. “If someone would have told me yesterday that vampires were real and I would be doing this today, I would have told them they were crazy,” she laughed. I laughed with her. It was good to see her happy.

“I like hearing you laugh,” I smiled at her. She blushed and looked away.  I pulled her eyes back to face me. “You don’t have to worry about anyone hurting you anymore,” I told her.

“You promise? Because I don’t know how much more I can take,” she told me.

“I promise,” I told her. “And if they try to, I will take care of that, too,” I smiled at her. She hugged me close to her and I wrapped my arms around her. I had waited so long for that. Now I had the ability to protect her. I could take care of her and she wouldn’t have to cut anymore. 

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