The Plan

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(This chapter is written in the third person because Jasmine & Louis aren’t in it.)

“Bonnie will be here in about an hour. In the meantime, I want to talk about Lexi,” Klaus said as he looked at his brother across the living room.

“What about her?” Kol asked.

“Why are you with her yet again? Haven’t you had enough heartache at her expense?”

“That’s just it, brother. If I had not had that heartache I would not have known it was real. Since I did have it, I know that I love her and she loves me,” Kol said with a smile. Klaus shook his head and looked at his brother.

“Just be careful,” he warned.

“I could say the same for you,” Kol laughed. “You’ve been spending an awful lot of time with Music.”

“Yes, but she hasn’t repeatedly broken my heart,” Klaus quipped. Kol gave his brother an amused look before he spoke.

“Yes, but I have never seen you so smitten with a girl either,” he said.

“What can I say? She is different than anyone I have ever met,” Klaus explained.

“Then you should be careful as well,” Kol told him. A bit later there was a knock at the door. Klaus answered it and showed Bonnie to the living room.

“So, tell me about  this place and what exactly I am supposed to be doing when I get there,” she said as she took a seat on the sofa.

“Well, they are doing research on all species of supernatural beings and we are trying to stop them. They have collected quite a few male/female pairs of creatures already and they are trying to make hybrids. That is our main concern. We know that they have successfully mated vampires and werewolves already, but we don’t know how far along they are with anything else, or what else they are even working on. We do know that they are trying to get their hands on a set of Fae,” Klaus explained.

“And what is my purpose?” she asked.

“We would like for you to work for them and let them gain their trust, and then that’s when we come in,” Klaus told her. She thought it over for a minute and looked between the brothers.

“Since Jasmine, Louis and Lexi can turn invisible, wouldn’t it be easier for them to get in and destroy things that way?” she asked.

“Yes, but the security system they have can detect things like that. That’s why we are asking for your help,” Kol explained. She nodded her head in understanding.

“Alright, give me a moment to think.” She ran every option she could think of through her head before she came up with the perfect plan. “I’ve got it!” she said excitedly. “I can put a spell on the people that work there that will allow me to teleport them to a safe location, and then I can release the beings. Once we are all out of the building, I can blow the place away, along with all the research inside!” she said as she smiled enthusiastically.

“Just be careful!” Kol told her. “We don’t want you getting hurt, or worse, caught!”

“Trust me, this will work perfectly. I can do the spell from the bathroom when I go on my break and it will be over before you know it.”

“When are you supposed to start?” Klaus asked.

“Tomorrow,” she said. The next day, Bonnie showed up ten minutes early to the research facility. When she walked up to the gate, a camera turned to her and a voice came through the speaker.

“Who are you and what is your purpose here?” the voice asked.

“I’m Bonnie Bennett and today is my first day working here,” she smiled at the camera.

“Hold up your ID please,” the voice said to her. She reached in her purse and pulled out her wallet, retrieving her ID and holding it up at the camera. “Thank you, Ms. Bennett. Please continue through the gate.” She walked down the pathway and to the front door. Another camera looked down at her before the door buzzed and she was allowed inside. She walked up to the front desk where she was greeted by a pleasant blond woman.

“Good Morning, Ms. Bennett, and welcome. Here is your badge. This is what you will use to get in the front gate and all the secured doors in the building. Follow me and I will show you where you will be to start off,” the lady smiled as she handed Bonnie her badge and stood up to walk down one of the many hallways in this building. She opened a door and walked in, Bonnie just behind her. “This is where you will be for now. Have a seat and someone will be with you shortly.” She smiled and walked out the door, closing it behind her. Bonnie was sat there for five minutes before a slightly younger man wearing a lab coat walked in.

“You must be Ms. Bennett. I am Dr. Lambert. You will be working with me and my other assistant, Sara. She’s just inside. Grab a lab coat from that closet, choose a locker and put your things inside it and we will get started,” he smiled as he shook Bonnie’s hand. He looked like he was in his late twenties. If he wasn’t supernatural himself, then he had to be just out of Med school. Bonnie followed him in to the next room where Sara was working with a microscope. “Sara, this is Bonnie, she is going to be helping us,” he said brightly.

“Hi Bonnie, nice to meet you,” Sara smiled. They shook hands and Sara went back to her work.

“Alright, now, what I need for you to do first is read through these documents to catch yourself up on what we are doing, when you finish, we will get you started on some lab work,” he smiled as he handed her a few notebooks of information. “You can stay in here and read if you like, or you can go back out to the other room where it is quieter,” he smiled at her.

“I think I’ll go back out there. I’ll be able to concentrate better on understanding everything if it’s quieter,” she smiled back and walked into the other room. She sat down where she had been before and started reading through the notebooks. Most of the information was easy to understand and she sailed through most of the reading. She was done with all of the notebooks two hours later. She walked back in the lab and handed to notebooks back to the doctor.

“All done?” he asked.

“Yes, and I understood about 98% of what I read,” she smiled.

“Fantastic! Let’s get you started with some blood testing, then,” he said as they walked over to an unused station. He got out all the equipment she would need and showed her where the blood samples were. “There are blood samples here from twenty different subjects. I need you to test compatibility with all of them. Can you do that?” he asked.

“No problem,” she smiled.

“Great! Let me know when you are done. There are notebooks in the cabinet beside the window for you to record your findings,” he said before he walked back to his station. Bonnie grabbed a notebook and pen from the cabinet and put it down on her station. She remembered doing things like this in Biology. She grabbed two of the blood samples and wrote down all the information on each one of them before she started her work. She made a slide of each one to look at under the microscope, writing down everything she saw through the lens. She took a drop from each sample and dropped it in a petri dish so they could mix and made a slide from the mixture. She looked at it under the microscope and wrote down the outcome of that particular mixture. She was good at this. This wasn’t as bad as she thought. She thought it was going to be testing on actual beings, but she was sure that was somewhere in the building. It wouldn’t be for much longer though.

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