Third Battle

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A few weeks went by without incident, but one day we got some news that made me very anxious. We were swimming and enjoying ourselves, just relaxing. When we walked back in the house, I checked my phone. There was a missed call and two texts all from Klaus.

To Jasmine: Where are you? Has anything happened?


Immediately I was worried. It could be any number of things that he wanted.

To Klaus: Sorry. We were outside, left my phone in the house. Is something wrong?

He replied instantly.

To Jasmine: Always keep your phone with you. Has anything happened?

To Klaus: No.

To Jasmine: Be prepared, then.

To Klaus: Why?

To Jasmine: Elena knows you are in Italy, but she doesn’t know where.

“Fuck” I said as I read his text.

“What’s wrong, babe?” Louis asked.

“Elena knows we are in Italy,” I told him. My phone buzzed and I looked down at it.

To Jasmine: You can either stay there and wait for her, or come back here. Your choice.

To Klaus: Will we have help if we stay here? Not that we will need it, just asking.

To Jasmine: You will have help no matter where you are, love.

To Klaus: Let me talk it over with Louis.

“Well, we have two options,” I told Louis as I looked at him.

“What are they?” he asked.

“Well, we can stay here and wait on her, or we can go home.”

“And will there be someone here to help us if we stay?”

“Yea, Klaus said we will have help no matter where we are,” I told him. He thought about it for a minute before he looked at me.

“I think we should go back,” he said. “I think it would be easiest. Damon, Lexi, and Klaus are already there. It would be less pressure as well. We know the area around there; here no one really knows what is where.” I nodded my head and stood up to go pack.

“Let’s go pack then.” I pulled my phone out to tell Klaus.

To Klaus: We are coming home

To Jasmine: Plane tickets are waiting on you at the counter. Flight is in two hours.

To Klaus: Thank you.

To Jasmine: No problem, love. Be safe.

“Klaus has tickets waiting for us, flight leaves in two hours,” I told Louis as I pulled my suitcase out and started throwing things in it. The next day we were home. Klaus had picked us up at the airport with Damon, just to be safe. We got back to the summer house where we were staying before we left to see the door standing open. “What do we do?” I asked. Damon pulled a bag from the backseat and opened it. He pulled out stakes and handed one to each of us.

“Be on guard,” he said as he opened the door. “Klaus and I will go in first.” We walked into the house and split in to two groups. Damon and Klaus went upstairs and Louis and I checked downstairs. We heard noises upstairs, but we continued to check the lower level. Klaus and Damon were fighting with someone, or multiple someones. We finished checking the rooms downstairs and walked back in the living room. I pointed at the back door. It was standing open, so we walked out on the patio. Elena stood across the patio from us, smiling. I glared at her.

“Can you not take the hint, you dumb bitch? I’m not going anywhere!” I yelled at her. She narrowed her eyes at me.

“Apparently it’s you that can’t take the hint. I always get what I want,” she told me. I heard a muffled noise behind me and turned to see Louis fighting.

“Don’t worry about me. Take care of her,” he said when he saw that I turned my attention to him. I turned back to face her.

“Big mistake,” I smiled at her.

“Really? We’ll see,” she laughed as she lunged towards me. I knocked her to the ground as she neared me. She stood up and glared at me. “Why don’t you just give up?”

“Because, I have something to live for,” I told her. “There’s no reason for me to give up.” I smiled and she lunged at me again. Her fist connected with my face, breaking my nose. I stumbled backwards as I felt the blood run down my face and across my lips. I flicked my tongue out and swiped up the blood that was on my lips. My fangs dropped down and I growled as I rushed her. I saw a look of fear in her eyes as I got closer. I shoved her as hard as I could and she flew across the patio and landed on the concrete. She struggled to get up. I walked over to her and shoved her back down with my foot. “What is your problem?” I asked her.

“You are my problem,” she hissed at me. She jumped up and rushed towards me again. I really didn’t want to have to kill her. I mean, she is part of the reason I am a vampire. She is one of the ones that helped Louis when he was almost dead that night. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be with him. But, if that’s where this goes, then so be it.

“You won’t stop until I am dead will you?” I asked her.

“NO, I WON’T,” she screamed as she charged me, stake in hand. In one swift move, I knocked the stake from her grip, grabbed her shoulders and threw her to the ground and held my stake against her chest.

“I don’t want to kill you, but if that’s what I have to do to protect Louis and myself, then I will,” I told her.

“Then do it,” she growled. I didn’t move. She shoved me off and grabbed her stake again and rushed me. I give up. She’s really not going to stop. I knocked her stake away again and shoved the one in my hand through her chest. Her mouth dropped open and she froze, falling to the ground. I knelt beside her.

“I’m sorry,” I told her. “I really didn’t want to have to do that.” I watched as her already pale skin became even paler and turned a shade of grey. The veins began to rise under her skin and I knew she was gone. Louis walked outside, his eyes wide as he watched us. I let a tear fall from my eye and stood up. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

“It’s alright,” he said as he rubbed circles against my back.

“I didn’t want to do it, but she wasn’t going to stop unless she killed me,” I told him. I noticed the noise upstairs had stopped. Damon and Klaus walked outside and surveyed the damage.

“I guess I need to let Stefan know he needs to come get her,” Damon said. He walked in the house to call Stefan. I clutched on to Louis’s shirt.

“It’s alright, love. You did the right thing?” Klaus said.

“How is killing someone the right thing?” I asked.

“Because it was self-defense,” Louis said as he squeezed me tighter.

“He’s right. She wasn’t going to stop,” Klaus said.

“Stefan is on his way,” Damon told us as he walked back outside holding a sheet. I looked back down at her and shook my head.

“I still don’t understand,” I said.

“None of us do, babe,” Louis said. Damon covered her with the sheet he was holding. I shuddered and Louis squeezed me again. Louis and I walked inside and sat in the semi-destroyed living room.  He held me as my thought raced. I still wanted to figure out what Elena’s motive was. I was going to make that my mission now. Something had to be up for her to want to kill me so badly. I would find out, and soon.

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