First Battle

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Louis and I trained as much as we could during the next week. We were out at the old farmhouse one day when we saw Damon’s car coming up the drive. We stopped what we were doing and met him at the front of the house.

“Damon?” I said.

“We need to talk,” he said as he walked towards us and into the house. We followed him and Lexi to the living room and took our seats. “We found out what he wants, why he wants you to leave.”

“And?” I said as I looked at him.

“If you come to your full powers, you will be stronger than him or anyone in the original family,” he said looking from me to Lexi.

“It is rare to find a Fae that is half vampire, and you are one of the rarest. Your Fae side was almost pure. You must be only one or two generations away from the original pairing,” Lexi told me.

“I don’t know. Like I told Damon, I didn’t even know I was Fae until I was turned vampire.”

“Exactly, the more powerful the Fae side is, the longer it will take to appear in a person’s life. If you had been only half Fae or less, you would have been younger when it appeared,” she told me.

“Basically, we have to keep you safe from Klaus, otherwise he will kill you,” Damon said.

“But, what do I have to do with him, other than being stronger than him?”

“We believe that you are the only living descendant of the original Fae,” Lexi said smiling.

“And the original Fae killed most of Klaus’s family before they could turn,” Damon said.

“Oh,” I said as my face fell, “So he wants revenge?”

“Exactly,” Damon said.

“What do we do?” Louis asked.

“Well, you can’t stay at your house, that’s for sure. He’s already been there,” Lexi said.

“We will go stay at the summer house. It’s secluded and offers more protection than any of the places around here,” Damon said.

“When do we leave?” I asked.

“As soon as possible,” he said.

“Let’s go then,” I said as I stood up. “Are you coming with us or do you want to meet somewhere?”

“We will be right behind you,” Damon said as I walked out the door. Louis and I packed a couple suitcases full and waited on the other two to arrive. We piled in their car and Damon drove us to his summer house. It was rather large, but it was secluded like he said. We took our suitcases up to a room on the second floor and unpacked. It was dark already. We walked out on the back patio and joined Lexi and Damon sitting by the fire.

“This is beautiful,” I said smiling.

“Thank you,” Damon said. We all sat around talking and relaxing for a bit. “If anyone has to go anywhere, take someone else with you. No one goes anywhere alone, especially you, Jasmine,” he said as he looked at me. I nodded my head as Louis tightened his grip around me. The first week went by with nothing major happening. The second week, however, I can’t say the same for. We were having fun, sitting around the pool relaxing. We all went in to shower and change. When I got out of the shower, there was a note on my bed. I picked it up and read it.

I have your love.

Meet me tomorrow night.


Damon will know where.


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