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{Sorry it's short}

I know I’m still considered a “newborn” vampire, but I feel at ease, like this is what was meant to happen to me. It feels natural to me. I know that this is my destiny. I was born to have Louis turn me and become a Fae/Vampire hybrid. We were born to be together forever. We have a family now. Klaus & Music, Kol & Lexi, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, and me & Louis; we’re all together. Klaus has become less aggressive since being with Music. She really brings out the good in him. Damon says he’s never seen Lexi or Kol so happy. Stefan has gotten over the loss of Elena and is seeing a girl named Kylie. She seems sweet, maybe a little vapid at times, but sweet. I think she’s good for him, especially after the Elena thing. Damon isn’t seeing anyone on a regular basis but he is “playing the field” as he calls it. Louis and I, well, I’ve never been happier. When I was the old me, I knew I was in love with him, but I didn’t think he saw me. I never thought anything like this would ever happen. I never thought he would love me back. Now, we are inseparable. I’ve become closer with the girls now that we don’t have to fight some creature off every time we turn around. Music is great. She’s funny, honest and caring. I can tell she really loves Klaus. They are really good for each other. Lexi is, well, she’s Lexi. She helped me when I was first starting out and I think that’s what made me like her so quickly, plus she gives really good advice. I really do hope that this time she and Kol make it. We’ve talked about what’s happened in the past and I know that she loves him. Bonnie is the only human in our little clique, but she’s amazing. She comes from a really long line of witches and she’s become very powerful.

After blowing up the lab, we haven’t seen any more indications that anyone survived, no traces of anyone else starting another lab. All the beings that were released have moved on and returned to their lives as if nothing happened. I’m glad we were able to help them. Hopefully if we need their help in the future they will be glad to repay the favor. Thankfully this is all over and we can go about our lives, for now at least. 

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