A Necklace

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We were back in the house with Damon and Lexi.

“What?” Damon asked.

“You did what?” Lexi said. I laughed at their reactions and explained what happened again.

“And when you turned around he was gone?” Damon asked.

“Yea,” I smiled. Damon’s phone vibrated. He pulled it out and frowned at it. “Is something wrong?”

“Stefan and Elena already know about tonight,” he said looking at Lexi.

“Is that important?” Louis asked.

“It either means they are spying on us or one of them is working with Klaus,” Lexi explained. My eyes grew wide.

“Either way is no good. Why would they spy on us?” I asked.

“To make sure that you don’t want to kill Klaus and take over,” Damon said. “That’s what they want; well that’s what Elena wants.”

“How do we know which one it is?” Louis asked.

“Simple, Damon and I will go talk to them. I’m sure I can get something out of them,” Lexi said with a smirk. I smiled at her. They stood up and left while I took Louis upstairs to wash the blood off of him. He sat beside the sink on the counter while I wiped a damp cloth across his face in the places that the blood had dried. I shifted my eyes up to his.

“How did they get you?” I asked.

“I don’t really know. One minute I was in the kitchen getting tea and the next minute I was gone,” he said shrugging his shoulders. “If they had been smaller, I could have gotten away.”

“Did you hear that?” I asked as I dropped the cloth to the counter and ran out into the hall, looking around. Louis jumped down and followed me. “Call Damon and tell him to get back here.” I walked towards the kitchen. I saw someone run through the living room but couldn’t make out who it was. I chased after them, Louis closely following me while calling Damon. There was the sound of glass shattering. I rushed to the backdoor and saw it smashed to pieces. I ran out on the patio and saw the figure run off into the woods. I turned to go back into the house when I felt something under my foot. I glanced down and saw a necklace. I bent over and picked it up, studying it.


It was beautiful. I felt like I had seen it before, but I wasn’t sure where. I looked at it, turning it over in my hand looking at every side of it. Suddenly, a memory flashed in my mind and I knew where I had seen it… Damon and Lexi ran out on the patio behind Louis.

“What happened?” she asked.

“I was upstairs helping clean the blood off Louis and heard something. I went to see what it was, saw someone in the kitchen and ran after them. They crashed through the backdoor and dropped this before they ran in to the woods. I trust you know whose it is, because I do,” I said as I looked between the two of them as I handed the necklace to Damon.

“Damn it!” he exclaimed. “I was hoping they weren’t involved in this,” he said as he looked at Lexi.

“I knew it. She just couldn’t leave well enough alone,” Lexi said shaking her head.

“Can you still talk to them? Maybe pretend you don’t know about what happened? It’s not like she knew you were on your way back,” I suggested.

“Yea, we’ll go now.” Damon and Lexi left once again to try and talk to Stefan and Elena. If she was working with Klaus, I hope she knows what she is getting in to. I just have a really bad feeling about him. Damon and Lexi returned a few hours later. “We got nothing,” he said as they sat on the sofa.

“What did she say?” I asked.

“Said she was never here,” Lexi laughed. I rolled my eyes.

“What now?” Louis asked.

“I go to her alone,” I said looking between the three of them.

“If you are going to do that, it has to be tomorrow. Stefan will be gone for the day and that will be your only chance,” Damon told me. I nodded my head in understanding. The next day, I left around lunch time to go see Elena.

“Be careful,” Louis told me with a concerned look on his face.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine,” I smiled at him. I leaned up and kissed his cheek before I walked out the door. I pulled up at Elena’s house and knocked on the door. She glared at me when I opened it. “Elena,” I smiled at her nicely.

“W-what do you w-want?” she stammered, seemingly a little nervous by my unannounced visit.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“S-sure, come on i-in,” she half-smiled and opened the door to allow me in.

“Thank you,” I said sweetly. We walked in the living room and sat on opposite couches.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“You tell me.”

“Nothing that I know of,” she smiled. I shook my head and looked at her.

“You aren’t missing anything?” I asked. She looked more nervous.

“No,” she said after a minute. I held her necklace up and saw her eyes widen.

“My necklace! Where did you find it?”

“You know damn well where I found it,” I snapped at her. I saw her sink back into the sofa. “Why were you there?”

“I was doing what I was told,” she said scared.

“Told by who?”


“Why are you working with him?”

“I have to,” she said weakly.


“If I don’t do what he says, he will kill Stefan.”

“So, you’re not doing this to try and kill me, or Louis, or to try and take over Klaus’s position?” I asked.

“No,” she said shaking her head.

“How do I know you are telling the truth?”

“You don’t,” she said looking at the floor. I tossed her necklace at her and left, slamming the door on my way out.

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