a new client

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a/n : this story is set in the 90s :) -1992- i hope you enjoy ! song of chapter : a burning hill • i'll put a song each chapter for how characters are feeling, or just a song that feels like the aesthetic. this song is how katya feels :)

katya profusely blinks her eyes, trying to wake up more than what she already is. she just got to her small office in brooklyn, it's foggy out today, making everything feel slow. she can't even remember how she got to where she is.

today she was going to meet a new client. katya has been a therapist for two years now, starting at the age of 23. she loves her job, more than a lot of things. although, recently it's been feeling hard to keep up with.

she feels like most of her days are filled with work, only talking to and analyzing the minds of her clients. she feels she hardly gets to talk about her own emotions. but what else should she expect?

she throws her red scarf on the desk, letting out a sigh. gosh i hope it's an easy day. she starts to hum the lyrics to a song she heard on the radio on her way to work, and suddenly she hears a knock on the door. "come in." she enthusiastically says, "ms. zamo, your new client is here to see you."  sasha responds tiredly. glad to see i'm not the only exhausted one, katya thinks.

"give me a minute, i need to make some coffee." katya says, "alright. hope it goes well! maybe we can talk about how it went at your place later?".

"sure! that sounds nice." katya retorts to sasha's suggestion. she gives sasha a small smile, glad that she's her friend. honestly, without them katya would go downhill.

sasha leaves, and all that is heard is their faint raspy voice telling katya's new client that she will be ready soon. the therapist quickly gets her mug and puts it on an overly used coffee machine, making a hot cup of black coffee. she takes a quick sip before allowing someone in the room.

katya looks at her paperwork, searching for the name of her new client, so she can call them into the room. trixie mattel is written neatly at the top of the page. katya steadily walks towards the door and slowly opens it, repeating the name in her head.

"trixie?" katya calls out to the room that's filled with a few people. a tall blonde girl stands up, wearing a short silk pink dress and white chunky heels. katya acts as though she isn't fazed by the beautiful elegance that stood in front of her.

trixie on the other hand, couldn't help but seem nervous. i mean come on, her therapist stood confident in black high waisted slacks and a white button down. the first few buttons, unbuttoned, revealing a little bit of her chest.

and god did she have striking blue eyes. trixie just gives a warm smile though, hoping her therapist will be nice.

the two enter katya's office, it's filled with dark academia looking things, somewhat already calming trixie (because it reminds her of dead poets society). katya clears her throat, and it reminds trixie that she will have to talk soon. to another person, whom she doesn't know. the thought alone creates a knot in her stomach.

"so how are you feeling?" katya breaks the ice, "honestly? pretty nervous, i mean i came to talk about my anxiety. key word anxiety. obviously i'm not NOT nervous." trixie responds frantically. causing katya to let out a quiet laugh, trixie smiles at their therapists reaction and she starts to play with the hem of her dress out of shyness.

"well thanks for being honest trixie. call me katya, i want to make you feel as comfortable as possible so please, treat me like a friend." katya says happily as the two sit down across from each other. katya sits on her own chair, as trixie sits on a long couch. trixie wonders, 'if she wants me to treat her as a friend, would she mind if i asked her about how she's doing?'

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