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song of the chapter : consolations no. 3 - liszt (overall aesthetic)

"trixie mattel! what is going on?! you have to nail this!" the instructor yelled at trixie from the front row seats once again.

"i know you've got this." she added in a more calm manner, in attempt to make trixie stay calm. which didn't help trixie at all. she bit the inside of her cheek in frustration.

trixie sat in front of the piano as bright stage lights illuminated her. she sharply took in a deep breath and let out a sigh. she didn't believe in god, but she kept praying that god could help her through the stage fright.

she lightly hovered her finger over the keys and her eyes started to water from embarrassment. she hates crying in front of people, so she swallowed the lump in her throat, and thought about something to calm her down.


she thought about what katya told her. 'why else would they want you?', you're obviously good at playing, just prove it.

she pressed down on a key and started to play the song. she closed her eyes as she immersed herself into the sound of the loud sophisticated piano, and she thought about katya's words.

well... katya in general, even though she wasn't there in person, somehow she still comforted trixie.

trixie slowly opened her eyes and parted her lips, "bravo trixie! get yourself off the stage and take a break." trixie gave a smile to professor dela, then she stood up slowly and walked off stage. allowing another student to practice for the show.

she sat in one of the many seats in the ginormous theater, and she watched as a beautiful brown woman delicately walked onto the stage. "monet! sing for us!" dela said with an enthusiastic tone.

monet's voice filled the theater and trixie was not complaining, the girl could definitely sing.

"she's good isn't she?" someone whispered from behind her, trixie somewhat got startled but she looked at the woman behind her.

they had red hair and a cool voice. "yeah she definitely is.. what're you going to perform?" trixie whispered back.

"oh i'm not performing. well i sing but... i'm here for my friend. dela."

the redhead said with a heartwarming smile, her cheeks somewhat turning pink.

trixie gave her a smile and felt like she suddenly had to act more professional since she was talking to her instructors friend. "oh wow that's so cool. i hope you can make it to the event." trixie said sincerely. other than what she felt like on stage, she's been super happy recently.

maybe it was the anxiety medication she was taking, or how well everything has been going. maybe it was katya. but she couldn't help but share that infectious happiness even through a conversation.


katya walked into the bright store that smelled of vanilla, and she looked around attentively. searching for the most perfect gift to give to trixie on her performance day.

katya had just left work, so she was somewhat full of tension because of all the notes she had taken today. and all the people she listened to. gosh did she need a break.

sometimes she found it hard to get out of bed, she always needed an extra push and sometimes she would find that in the little things in life.

like the way a dog gets excited when seeing their owner, or the way a waitress face would light up when you tip them generously, katya looked for the good in everything even when she had trouble to.

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