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song of the chapter : working for the knife - mitski (katya's feelings)

"how do i make things go further?" trixie frustratedly asked brooke.

"that's if she wants things to go further.. you have to make her want to go further."

"and how do i do that?"

"be yourself? be more romantic and show her what you have to offer in a relationship."

trixie bit her bottom lip, tasting coffee. her and brooke sat at a table in the quiet coffee shop. trixie had asked her earlier if she would like to meet up, she knew brooke had experience with dating women so she figured she could take some advice from her.

"women aren't like men. well... most of them aren't. it's not like you have to continuously please. with men it's like, 'what do they want in sex?', 'what do they want my body to look like?'. and with women it's so different. they love your body as is and won't tell you to change, the sex is something you both share that's so much more passionate. and it lasts longer." she said the last part jokingly but they both knew it was true.

trixie somewhat blushed at the thought of katya being passionate. she thought back at the kisses they shared a couple nights ago, she wondered if that was passionate.

"stop overthinking it too." brooke added, making trixie sigh because it was easier said than done. trixie's fingers glided over the soft warm sweater fabric that covered her arms and torso.

"you're incredibly wise, did you know that?"

brooke smiled and took a sip of her coffee, "not quite, but thank you."

trixie looked down at her slick watch and let out a puff of air before telling brooke she should get going because she has school work to do. so brooke said her goodbyes and they parted ways.

trixie got home, feeling kind of sad that she was suddenly alone, leaving her to her thoughts that wouldn't budge her from overthinking.

she hummed 'just like heaven' as she started to make herself a chai latte so she could have the energy to do her work for university. she felt so content with her academic life; sure she didn't really know if she'd end up being successful in the music industry but at least she knows she loves it.

meanwhile katya was at home, thinking about how unhappy she was with her career. gladly she wasn't alone. she had jinkx, dela, and sasha over. she wanted her childhood friend to meet her current friend. and she'd love to get to know dela.

so they all were gathered in katya's spacious background. spacious for new york that is. she had an enclosed backyard with a singular tree that had no leaves considering it's winter. ferns were all across the perimeter of the yard, today it wasn't snowing so the ferns weren't completely covered.

they all sat on katya's lawn, with a grey blanket underneath them. katya sat with one leg laying down and the other bent up, she had her elbow on her knee as she listened to jinkx talk about how she ended up in new york.

"so how'd you meet katya, sasha?" dela asked with a kind grin.

"she was already working as a therapist and i started at the same place. we quickly got along since we have similar outlooks." sasha answered the question with enthusiasm.

katya grimaced at the mention of work. work. she didn't know why but she just wasn't satisfied with it.

"katya.. do you like working there still?" jinkx asked, as if she knew what katya was feeling.

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