a star

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song of the chapter : there is a light that never goes out - the smiths
(trixie and katya's feelings)

'hey trixie :) i hope you enjoy your gift, it's the least i can do. i just know you're gonna do incredible today. show them why they chose you to perform.
yours truly, katya'

trixie pursed her lips in happiness as she read katya's note.

she had a medium sized gift box delivered to her apartment door this morning. and at first she didn't know who it could be from, but then she noticed the red wrapping paper and the handwritten letter.

she opened it as soon as she sat on her vintage pink couch. excited to see what katya could've sent, but also surprised because no one has ever done such a thing for her.

she ran her fingers across the wrapping paper and started to tear it open with her nails. automatically she saw what the gift is.

a fucking record player. she almost screamed. she wished katya was right next to her so she can give her the warmest hug.

"holy shit..." she muttered as she looked at the record player box. her parents didn't even do stuff like this for her. her eyes started to water a little bit and she bit her bottom lip lightly.

letting out a content sigh. she had to get ready for the show now. then when the show was over, she had to tell katya how she felt for her. no matter how much it scared her, she was determined to let the other woman know.


katya entered the big theater. she looked up at the tall ceiling to see white roman details, etched into it.

it was a beautiful bright busy place that made the night feel surreal. outside it was dark and snowing, the streets were illuminated by the light from buildings and street lights.

there was a lot of people surrounding katya as she pushed her way through to the door entering the theater room.

she saw people squish through the doors with tickets in their hands. she kindly paid $15 dollars to get a front row seat.

"thank you." she said with a calm smile as she grabbed the ticket, she walked wondrously down the red aisle. looking around at everyone get settled before the show.

the ginormous room was filled with small chatter and movement. she sat down on her seat then looked at who else was sitting along the row.

she saw familiar red hair and furrowed her brows. it couldn't be.

"jinkx?" she said to the woman two seats away from her. the person responded and turned their head. it's her.

"i- katya?! oh my gosh."

jinkx shared the same confusion and surprise as the other woman. the two were unable to speak. after leaving school, they thought they'd never see each other again, yet here they are.

"what are you doing here jinkx?!" katya said in a hushed manner trying not to annoy the people around them.

jinkx sat right next to katya and whispered loudly to her.

"my friend is the professor! what the hell are you doing here?"

"um my friend- client- well i came to see my friend trixie perform." she explained awkwardly.

jinkx smiled and raised her right eyebrow. "i saw her practicing the other day. she's really talented. and nice. i hope you're a good friend."

katya looked around and blushed. "uh it's not like that.." she said more quietly than before, "i'm her therapist. and we just get along pretty well. so we're just good friends."

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