Louis' POV
We decided on going to the park, thanks to Annabelle. I let her choose since I wasn't sure what she liked yet. Eleanor was trying to hide her disappointment, but she wasn't doing a good job. It's not my fault she wore expensive designer clothes. And frankly, if she gets them dirty that's on her.
"Will you push me on the swing, daddy?" Annabelle asked once we walked up to the mulch.
"Of course I will honey!" I replied happily. She grabbed onto my hand and pulled me over to the swing set. I watched as she tried to jump onto the swing over and over again, but was never successful.
"Here, let me help you up." I told her as I easily lifted her onto the swing.
"Now push me! Please!" Annabelle begged. I chuckled at her excitement and went around to the back of the swing.
"Eleanor, will you swing with me?" Annabelle asked when Eleanor finally came over.
"I would, but I-" she was not about to say no. I looked at her with an expression that said 'just do it'. She looked back down to Annabelle. "Sure sweety."
"You're lucky she's cute." Eleanor snarled in my ear as she walked past me to the next swing.
I pushed Annabelle on the swing for a good ten or fifteen minutes before she decided to go off and play with other kids. She was so cute. Just knowing that she was my daughter made me smile. I can't believe I didn't know about her for the first three years of her life.
Eleanor got off of her swing once Annabelle left and sighed heavily, kicking one of her boots. "I hate parks." she mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.
"You can go home." I told her in an even tone. She could, it was her choice to come in the first place.
"But I want to spend time with you." she said walking toward me.
I took a step backward and her expression changed to puzzled. "What's going on with you?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.
"Nothing. Why would there be?" she asked frazzled by my questioning.
"You're not acting like yourself and you didn't want me to spend time with my own daughter because we were suppose to go out. Then you wouldn't get on the swing because of your stupid boots."
"Maybe it's cause they're expensive...? And yeah, I'm not happy about this whole kid thing. Then there's that girl Audrey who you obviously fancy, or at least used to."
"I don't like her like that anymore. It was a one night stand, El, nothing more." I explained. "But I don't want you acting like this."
"Like what?"
"Like you're jealous of someone."
She turned her head to the ground with an amused smile and then looked back up at me. "I'm not jealous. I just don't want you spending every second with Annabelle and none with me."
"That's called jealousy, babe. But if you have that much of a problem with it then you can go. And don't bother coming back." I snapped.
"What? Louis..."
"No. Just go."
She hesitated for a minute just staring at me. I looked in the other direction and watched Annabelle on the playground. When I looked back to where Eleanor had stood, she was gone.
Audrey's POV
I was back home from my date with Ryan and already got done school. It was a short class today, so we got done around 4:15pm. Now it was about five minutes till 5 O'clock; when Annabelle was coming home.
When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped from my seat on the couch and hurried to the door. Only a couple hours and I already missed my bundle of joy. Shows how much I love her I guess.
I opened the door to Louis holding Annabell in his arms. I let Louis come in and he placed her on the ground. "Mummy! Mummy! Guess what!" Annabelle squealed.
"What monkey?" I asked amused by her excitement.
"We went to the park and Louis pushed on the swing. Then Eleanor got on the swing next to me and we were both swinging. After that I played on the playground and made a new friend!"
"That's great honey!" I replied enthusiastically. I looked back to Louis who was smiling looking at Annabelle. He noticed me looking at him and turned his attention to me.
"So I was thinking, if you're not busy tomorrow, we could go to the mall and take Annabelle somewhere." I said to Louis.
"Yeah, that sounds fine. I'm probably not going to be very busy anymore." he replied, sort of sounding sad at the end.
"Okay, be here by 11:30 tomorrow and we'll go."
"Where are we gonna go mummy?" Annabelle quizzed.
"It's a surprise!" I told her, placing my finger over my lips. Louis laughed as Annabelle mocked me.
"Well I should probably go. See you tomorrow princess." Louis announced, squatting down in front of Annabelle and gently kissing her forehead.
"Bye daddy!" Annabelle said when he was about to close the front door. He smiled at her and then he was gone.
I have to admit, she seemed to have a lot of fun with him and she came back in one piece. This is probably a good thing for her too.
When bedtime came I helped Annabelle get into her pj's and tucked her into her Hello Kitty bed. I kissed her forehead and walked to the door, thinking she was already asleep. Just as I was about to close the door I heard a faint whisper. "Mummy?"
"Yes sweety?" I asked softly.
"Thank you for finding my daddy." she said.
I smiled, that was so cute I don't even know what to say. "Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." I said finally.
"And if they do, hit 'em with a shoe." Annabelle responded.
"Mama loves you."
"And I love you too."
I closed her bedroom door and went off to my room. For some reason I was exhausted. Well, I better get some sleep so I'm prepared for tomorrow. Lord knows how that'll go.
Cute chapter right?! Well except for El & Lou's fight at the park. What'd you all think? Did you like it? The next chapter is going to be fun to write, and hopefully pretty funny when you guys read it.
Feel free to drop a comment below with your thoughts and/or any suggestions. Thank you!
~Jenna xo