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Audrey's POV

"Perrie, you're such a girl." Dani teased.

"Well I would hope so, unless you're trying to say something about Zayn?" Perrie replied.

"No, no. Not at all." Dani reassured.

"Guys, I actually kind of have a slight problem." I said interrupting their conversation. Both girls turned their attention toward me and waited for me to go on. "He did kiss me and it was during the sunset. It was cute and all... I just wish I knew how to feel about it."

"Sounds to me like you fancy him, you're just nervous to admit it." Dani said and Perrie nodded in agreement.

"Even if I did fancy him, how do I know he wasn't just caught up in the moment?" I asked desperately searching for some kind of answer.

"Love, we're not really supposed to tell you, but Zayn and Liam spilled." Perrie began to say.

"Perrie! Shut your gob!" Dani exclaimed shocked. "What she means is that you should talk to him about it. That's the only way you'll find out the truth."

"Okay. I guess that's something I'll have to work on."

"What do you mean 'work on'?" Dani asks intrigued.

"I can't just straight up ask him if he fancies me. That'd be so awkward, especially if he said no." I explained.

"Maybe we can find out in a fun way." Perrie says smiling mischievously. "Dani text Liam and I'll text Zayn. Tell Liam to let Niall know the plan and I'll tell Zayn to give Harry a heads up as well."

"Wait, what plan? I'm so confused." I ask with my eyebrows furrowed.

"You'll find out soon enough." Dani replies taping away on her iPhone.

A few minutes go by and I examine my finger nails to try and cure my boredom. Perrie's phone dings and she nods to Dani. I'm still utterly confused. "Come along, Audrey. We're going to play a game." Dani says getting up and motioning for me to follow. Perrie opens the door and walks out back into the main part of the plane and I trail behind her, Dani coming after me.

I'm practically frozen, not sure of what's going on as Liam winks at me. Was that supposed to be some kind of signal? If so, I was completely clueless.

"Boys...and girls, please take your seats and buckle up. We're about to take off." The pilot announced through a speaker.

Harry and Niall sat next to each other in the front. Then Liam and Dani. After that Zayn sat down but Perrie was standing next to me. All of the sudden she shoves me over and I stumble right into an empty seat. "You alright?" I hear Louis ask beside me.

I nodded without looking at him. Things just seemed so awkward now. Maybe that kiss was a mistake. He would've said something if it meant anything to him.

Before I knew it, the pilot was speaking over the loud speaker again telling us we could move about as we pleased. Perrie practically jumped out of her seat and ran over to mine dragging me out of it and onto the floor. Next thing I knew, everyone was gathering around and forming a circle on the floor. We're either playing Spin the Bottle, or Truth-or-Dare, I determined. Niall tossed a bottle to Dani, who then placed it in the middle of our semi-circle.

"Okay everyone, Perrie, Audrey, and I decided on Truth-or-Dare." Dani announced as everyone nodded in approval. Me? I didn't have squat to do with this game planning. All I did was sit there confused. "Li, why don't you go first." Dani said gesturing to the bottle.

Liam spun it and we all watched intently as it landed on Harry. "Truth or dare?" Liam asked.

"Dare." Harry answered without hesitation.

"I dare you to...walk into the hotel without your shirt on." Liam said.

Harry scoffed, "That's stupid."

"It won't be when all of the girls scream 20 times louder because you're shirtless." Liam reasoned.

Harry shook his head and then spun the bottle. This time it pointed at me...shit. "Truth or dare?" Harry asked.

I thought for a second, the dare could be awful or embarrassing, but truth could be something awkward about Louis. I sighed, "Dare."

Harry smiled devilishly. Okay, wrong decision. "I dare you to..." before he finished his sentence, Dani whispered something in his ear and he looked confused. Dani looked at him waiting for him to continue and I was getting nervous. "I dare you to go in the back room and have seven minutes in heaven with whoever the bottle points to." With that said, he spun the bottle.

I was silently praying that it'd be anyone BUT Louis. Everyone snickered when, of course, it pointed to Louis. More awkwardness, yay! (note the sarcasm). I got up from my spot in the circle, not making eye contact with anyone and went into the room. Louis came in shortly after and closed the door.

"We don't have to do anything." Louis said.

I nodded and sat down letting out a sigh of relief. "You okay?" he questioned.

"I'm fine. It's just that... That.... Ugh, never mind." I said putting my head in my hands. If only it were simple.

It was quiet, but I knew he was sitting down next to me now. I sat back up and looked at him feeling stupid. "I'm sorry...this isn't your fault." I apologized. He didn't say anything, just weakly smiled, but I knew he was confused. Maybe now was when I should bring it up. There wasn't anyone listening.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked quietly. He nodded. "When um...when you took me to that lake yesterday, why did you?"

"I um...I just...I don't know, it's just really pretty there during the sunset. I figured you'd like to watch it." he answered.

"It was....but I meant what happened."

"You mean the kiss?" he asked. I nodded in response, looking down. "What do you think it meant?"

"I-I don't know...I don't really know if we were caught in the moment or if there was something concrete behind it. It's just so...confusing." I sighed.

"We could always find out." he said as if it were some sort of question. I looked over to him and he was looking at me too. Our eyes were locked on each others as, slowly, we seemed to get closer. Just as I closed my eyes, knowing our lips would meet in seconds, the door opened and I backed away as did Louis.

"You two can come back out now." Perri said cheerily. Louis got up and went out first. I slowly got out of my seat but was stopped by Perrie mid-way to the door. "Did anything happen?" she quizzed.

"Almost, but then you came in." I said and then walked out and back to the main cabin of the jet.

That was my chance to find out if there was anything there and now it was ruined. On top of that, things will just be even more awkward now. Why is my life so complicated? 


So...this wasn't very eventful, but I felt the need to update. I have a question for you all though. IF I were to have a "steamy" scene, would you guys like it to be included? Or would you rather I just hint to what happened? I'm not sure this will happen anyway, but I'd like to know incase. IF it does happen, it certainly wouldn't be soon as well. Alright, that's all(: 
Hope ya liked it! :D 
Feel free to drop a comment below with your thoughts and/or suggestions. Thanks! 
~Jenna xo

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