Audrey's POV
This morning Perrie started jumping on my bed to wake me up. It was extra unpleasant due to the lack of sleep I'd gotten. That kiss was replaying in my head along with a bagillion questions. Something in my mind made me do it and part of me knew why but the well functioning part couldn't figure out what the reason was. There was no way I could actually fancy him. Plus I'm sure he'll get back with Eleanor.
Perrie had taken the duvet and thrown it onto the floor on the opposite side of the room in her efforts to get my arse up. A few minutes more of persistent prodding, I complied and got ready. We were now seated in the arena where the concert would be held tonight. The lads were practicing for the show. Dani, Perrie, and I conversed in the front row of the stadium as they sung. Occasionally the girls and I would tune in and watch them.
"Did you see that?" Perrie asked abruptly, interrupting mine and Danielle's exchange about favourite shops in London.
"What?" I quizzed.
"Louis was looking straight at you through that whole song." she announced.
"No, I'm sure he wasn't. Not purposely anyway." I shrugged off the new information.
"He definitely was! If not then why'd he keep tripping over his own feet?" Perrie said inquisitively.
My cheeks flushed. Had he really been watching me that intently? Even though we had a rather date-like evening yesterday, it didn't cross my mind that there would ever be anything more than that. A kiss was exchanged, but it wasn't anything extraordinary.
"Louis likes you, babe." Dani pointed out in a very casual tone.
"I-I don't know."
"What did you do yesterday? I'm sure that has some bearing over his lingering gaze." Dani explained.
"He took me to the park."
"And...?" she encouraged.
"We ate strawberries and did some cloud watching." I giggled at the sound of our silly events described verbally; they sounded quite childlike.
"There must be more than that." Perrie insisted disbelievingly.
"You hadn't given me time to finish." I joked. "We may have had to hide away from the paps in an alleyway and had a bit of a snogging session."
Dani and Perrie looked at each other with knowing smiles before turning to me and saying in unison, "Louis likes you!"
"You think he'd fancy a get together?" Perrie asked Dani.
"I haven't got a reason to think otherwise." Dani replied.
They both flashed me a smile. A sigh fell from my lips as I shook my head at their antics. Both eyes evaded my connection as they looked on past me and upward. Curiosity got the best of me as I turned round to follow their gaze. My eyes took in the familiar smile they looked up at, lips returning the simple gesture.
"Um, can I talk to you?" he asked.
I diverted my attention back to the girls as they smiled in approval. I nodded and got up from my seat, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear in the process. Once we were about twenty feet away, Louis turned to face me.
"About yesterday..." I started.
"Yeah, sorry about that."
"No, no don't apologise. I initiated that anyway. It's just...you have Eleanor and she's perfect for you. I feel bad about it all."