*2 Months Later*
We were now in cold ass Minnesota and, as usual, I was staying with Louis. We've gotten a lot closer lately and I'm happy about it. Maybe Annabelle will be able to have a happy family. That thought never ceased to bring a smile to my face. She'd be so happy to have a mummy and a daddy. Plus, she adores Louis like crazy. She's called a couple times with the assistance of Jay or Lottie and she always talks to Louis more than me. I'll have to admit that I get a tad bit jealous sometimes. Her birthday is coming up soon and I've arranged to go back to Doncaster for the whole week of her birthday. Afterwards, I'll get on a flight back to Alabama, which is the place the boys will be at during that time period.
Right now I was getting back to the hotel room from the store. It was empty, thank god, as I made my way to the bathroom. I'd been having all these weird signs that would say I'm pregnant, but they just didn't add up. I was on the pregnancy pill and I'm sure Louis used a condom... Or maybe he didn't. But either way, the pill is supposed to prevent it. However, just to be safe, I bought an in-home pregnancy test. You know, the kind where you pea on a sticklike object? Yeah, that one.
After using the restroom I sat on the closed toilet seat trying to delay Perrie and Danielle from coming to pick me up and go shopping. I just simply said I was in the loo, but it didn't have any bearing over them coming. I checked the result on the test just as they knocked on the door. In a rush, I threw the test into the toilet and flushed it. Then I crushed the box and stuffed it in the bottom of my bag. When I opened the door Danielle yanked me out of the room, leaving Perrie to shut the door.
"Shopping time!" Danielle cheered. The only thing going through my mind was holy shit.
All day I was out shopping with the girls but ended up departing from them early. They had all their jokes about me and Louis having "plans", but really they were MY plans and he had nothing whatsoever to do with them. Hurriedly, I shoved all of my belongings into my suitcase and zipped it. I let out a sigh as I left my key card on the counter and walked out of the suite.
As I made my way to the tarmac, I received a phone call. Honestly, I was expecting Louis, but it turned out to be Jay. A breath of relief was released from my mouth as I answered the phone.
"Hello, Jay."
"Hi sweetie. Did you have any idea of what time you'd be getting here by?"
"The schedule says 6pm, so probably around six to six fifteen, if that's okay."
"That's fine, Audrey. I'll be there to pick you up with Annabelle."
"Oh, and Jay..."
"Yes, love?"
"Remember not to tell anyone that I'm with you, especially not the boys."
So I did a short chapter because you all need to read "Miss Independent" by xSunKiss and get it to 120 reads, 40 votes, and 25 comments before I update again. Mwahaha, I'm evil >:| Anyway, what did you all think? Feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts and/or suggestions.
-Jenna xo