13: The Truth

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This chapter contains themes related to Nazism, racism in general and the Holocaust, which may be triggering for some individuals.


Astrid was upstairs with Bella and Edward when she received the voice note from Jake. Edward was at the piano and Bella was beside him watching his fingers move over the keys while Astrid read a book in the corner. She put the book down to open the message and put the phone to her ear. Bella looked over her shoulder and saw the colour drain from Astrid's face as she listened.

"What is it?" she asked.

Edward stopped playing with a clash of dissonant notes when he heard what was in Astrid's mind. Within minutes everyone in the house was frantically preparing for the arrival of the wounded. Carlisle joined them over zoom to give instructions over a laptop and an iPad.

"How on Earth are we supposed to do a blood transfusion?" Astrid asked, holding the iPad in one hand and searching for disinfectant with the other. "We don't even have blood for him."

"I can donate," Bella called to her from across the room where she was gathering gauze and bandages. "I'm O negative."

"Are you healthy?" Carlisle asked her.


"That will have to do," said Carlisle. "Emmett has been preparing mine and Esme's bathroom for Jacob. Klaus should help you with him. The others will stitch Jasper up."

"Why is Jake relegated to the bathroom?" Astrid demanded.

"Because it's easier to defend," said Carlisle. "You will have to lock yourselves in to make sure you're safe with all that bleeding, but it's just a precaution," he added.

Emmett had moved a reclining chair into the bathroom and draped sheets of plastic over it. The room was just big enough. It was clean, the lighting was good, and the tiles would be easy to scrub afterwards. While the Cullen's were setting up an operating table and equipment in Carlisle's office Bella sat down on the commode. Astrid locked the door and put down the iPad. Carlisle continued to give instructions to the others on the other side of the house.

"This is crazy," Astrid whispered as she inserted the needle into Bella's arm. "We should take Jake to a hospital."

"We can't," said Bella. "How would we explain this? My dad won't overlook someone needing serious medical attention in the middle of the night for a second time. Remember how hard it was to spin the story about what happened to us after James?"

Almost all magical beings were raised to never expose the magical realm, but was it possible for the secret to have too high a cost? What if they couldn't save Jacob on their own? If they didn't get him proper medical treatment it would essentially be murder through negligence. The bag began to fill steadily. Astrid held it on a kitchen scale, watching the number go up. She couldn't take more than 140 grams.

"I always thought I would faint if I ever had to do this," said Bella.

"You underestimate yourself a lot," said Astrid. The bag reached capacity and she clamped and cut the tube. "We should call Billy," she said as she removed the needle and pressed a cotton ball to Bella's arm. Bella looked apprehensive. "We can't not tell him," said Astrid. "What if this ends badly? Really badly? It's his son, Bella."

"They're here!" Alice yelled from the passage outside the main bedroom.

The dragon landed on three feet, holding Jasper's limp body to his chest with the fourth. Jasper's grey arms and torso were exposed after his shirt had been used to swaddle his face. The fabric around his neck was almost eaten through. Bella and Astrid stayed clear on the other side of the yard while Edward and Emmett went to get him. Jake was clinging to Klaus's mane with the last of his strength. Despite the tourniquet, his blood was dripping over the dragon's shoulder. Neither of the vampires breathed as they took Jasper. Astrid stood with her hands over her mouth, watching him being carried inside.

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