11: Blood and Ink

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Author's note/WARNING: There is an anti-Semitic slur in this chapter.

Jane's window was partway down as they drove, letting in the Thursday night air while the radio played softly. Himmler was waiting for the news. The wind calmed her while she tried to refocus on her goal: Help him capture the Unicorn and bring him around to sharing the prize, or get him to a place where the coven can take it. Jane looked across at him, so intent on the road ahead.

If Aro came for the Unicorn now he would have Himmler killed; even if it wasn't necessary. Aro already suspected that Jane was being taken in by him and Jane was beginning to think that Aro was right. At the start of her mission she wouldn't have blinked at the thought of disposing of the hunter, but now... ending his life seemed a shame.

Himmler turned the radio up when the evening news began. Police had now discovered all of their victims. The noose was tightening, but he didn't seem concerned. He switched off the radio with a light chuckle when the reporter said something about an on-going investigation. But perhaps the report was a forewarning, because it wasn't long before the bleep of a siren and the flash of lights alerted them to a police car in the rear-view mirror. They were being pulled over. Himmler's hands tightened on the steering wheel and his jaw clenched.

"It could be nothing," said Jane. "We just make up a story about forgetting your license."

"It is not nothing," said Himmler. He pulled over with a slightly aggressive jerk of the steering wheel. "We are in a stolen car. A car stolen from a murder victim."

He reached into the backseat and took out the crossbow as the cruiser pulled up behind them. Quickly, Himmler pushed the back of his seat down before bright lights came on, glaring into their vehicle. Two officers came out of the car – a large man and a smaller, younger one – standing behind their doors with their guns drawn.

"Step out of the vehicle with your hands up!"

Jane stayed where she was, facing forward. She was not afraid. They could never kill her, but Himmler on the other hand... He pulled himself into the backseat, keeping low. Like a hidden sniper, he took aim through the back windshield. The officer was in the middle of repeating his command when Jane heard glass shattering and a volley of shots. The windscreen fractured into spider webs in front of her, but the bullets stopped as quickly as they started. One of the men was shouting into his radio.

"Reinhard?" Jane called without looking back.

"Cry," he hissed. She was relieved to hear his voice behind her, but confused by what he said.


"Act like a distraught woman whose boyfriend just got shot," he told her. "And do as they said."

"Please, don't shoot!" Jane shouted through her window.

"Beg him for your life, Jane," said Himmler, unsatisfied with her act.

"Please!" she wailed. "My boyfriend's bleeding; I think he's dead!" She seemed to be almost sobbing as she pushed the door open. "Please don't shoot me!" Himmler almost laughed at the thought of how this misdirection would fool the human before he met his demise. He turned back to face his target.

"Hands out! Hands out where I can see them!" the younger policeman shouted. She did as he said, still sobbing. The older man was down behind the driver's side door. "Turn your back to me! Back to me, now!"

Jane was barely a step away from the car when she heard an arrow fly and a body hitting the ground. And then all was quiet, except for a crackling voice over the police radio. Himmler jumped out of the car.

Blood, Fire and Vampire Slayers: Jasper Hale love story Book #2Where stories live. Discover now