3: Fire in the Sky

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"Are you two sure you'll be okay?" Carlisle asked as the family was heading out the door on Saturday evening for the movie theatre. They were reluctant to leave Astrid and Jasper alone. While some parents worried that they might come back to two teens in bed together, the Cullen's worried that they might come back to one dead and the other licking the blood from his lips.

"We're fine, Carlisle," said Jasper.

"You call us if you need anything at all, Astrid," said Esme.

"I will," she said with a smile.

"Don't get too frisky," Bella whispered. "He might not be able to handle it." Astrid blushed and told her to get lost.

"Four foot distance between you two," said Emmett.

"Goodbye," Astrid said pointedly before they finally left. "Wow, they're really paranoid."

"Yeah. It's kind of embarrassing," said Jasper. He picked up the remote to select the movie and Astrid sat down on the sofa opposite the screen.

"I trust you," she said with a wink. His golden eyes sparkled and Astrid leaned against his shoulder when he sat next to her. Two thirds of the way through the film she had moved to recline against the arm of the couch with her feet in Jasper's lap. His hand was resting on her ankle. She shifted and Jasper looked down at her. There was a bandage on one of her toes from dancing. The small wound was masked with the smell of alcohol and other antisceptics. Astrid had layered it on for his sake.

When Edward had first expressed his interest in Bella Jasper couldn't understand what he was thinking. Now he couldn't imagine not having Astrid's attention, but he sometimes felt bad about all the little things she had to pay attention to to avoid setting him off. She laughed and he realised he'd missed a good joke in the film.

"I'm glad we watched a comedy," said Astrid when the movie was over. "It made me feel better." She nudged his thigh with her foot. "Good call, Babe." Jasper stared at her. It was the first time she'd used a pet name. "...What?" she asked.
Astrid gasped when he suddenly put his body over hers. He hovered over her for a moment, their faces close, and then they were kissing. His cool lips were fervent, but soft. His fingers stroked the side of her neck and her collarbone. Astrid ran her hands under the hem of his shirt feeling his firm muscles.

"Do you trust me?" he whispered.

"Yes." Her heart raced, but it was an exhilarating fear she felt when he kissed her neck. Her hands went to his hair and she moaned when he sucked her pulse lightly. Jasper was suddenly ripped off of her and Astrid saw Alice's worried face looking down at her.

"Astrid are you okay?" The others were in the room. Edward was holding Jasper against a wall.

"We were just kissing!" Astrid sat up and Jasper kicked Edward off of him. He was ticked off.

"You two really shouldn't be doing that," Rosalie said severely. Astrid was indignant and Jasper even more so.

"Okay. Well, it's been fun," she said as she stood up.

"Aw, we're sorry for interrupting your moment," said Esme. "Please stay a little longer." Astrid opened her mouth, but Jasper took her hand and dragged her out of the room.

"Where are we going?"

"Where they won't bother us." He took her to the balcony and pulled himself into the branches of a tree. Astrid followed him up through the boughs to the roof of the house where they sat in silence.

"This is beautiful," she murmured eventually. Jasper put a finger to her chin and turned her face to him. He pecked her lips and she smiled, returning the kiss. "I think the only reason Elizabeth let me come here tonight was because she wanted to make up for the fight we had."

Blood, Fire and Vampire Slayers: Jasper Hale love story Book #2Where stories live. Discover now