An Apology

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Hi everyone. I'm back. I never thought I would return to Wattpad, but I need a place where I can write anonymously and do whatever the heck I want. ;)

Firstly, a huge apology to those of you who loved this book the way it was before. To have a writer bail out when the story isn't even finished is bad enough, but then to have one come back and decide to delete and change everything you already liked is a whole new level of F'd up. But two thirds into this story I felt that I had completely lost the plot.

I knew where I wanted to go, but I didn't know how to get there anymore, because the story was all over the place. A total mess. Sorry for making you all go through that.

I hope you can appreciate the new work I'm putting together. Of course it has it's own flaws, but it's the best I've got. (I will be starting from scratch with votes as I delete and publish new chapters. It's the honest thing to do.)

I know there has to be someone out there who still thinks I'm entertaining. To them I say, thanks a milion, and please enjoy the new book two of my retake on the Twilight Saga.


Blood, Fire and Vampire Slayers: Jasper Hale love story Book #2Where stories live. Discover now