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Jane had convinced Himmler that they needed a plan of escape once they had the unicorn. It wouldn't be easy to move anywhere with live prey, especially prey that would undoubtedly put up a fight. Not only that, but the Unicorn had protectors in Forks.

Jane had been looking for meal opportunities all afternoon, but each time she saw a prospect she was worried by the thought that someone could come searching. Someone could see. It was why they paid a girl to book them into a motel room under her name: Hannah Moor. This, to Jane's surprise, was Himmler's idea. She was a streetwise girl wearing make-up and clothes that made her look older, but she couldn't have been much more than fourteen.

She was able to sass the desk clerk into giving her a room without ID, anything for the cash Himmler had taken from inside the couple's home. Perhaps Hannah had given them the details of an older sister or cousin. She looked a little like Jane herself. Hannah was looking Himmler up and down with curious and hungry eyes as he counted out the money he owed her and Jane wondered, with some chagrin, if that was how she looked when she saw him dripping with river water.

"Where you from?" Hannah asked him.

"Germany," he said, handing over a quarter of the money they'd stolen.

"What's the rest for?"

"Food." He paused, and then smirked. "Think you can pick something up?"

"If I get ten per cent," Hannah said quickly with a coy smile. Himmler nodded, handing over some more money. It was then that Jane had left.

She watched another oblivious person go by the alley where she was hiding, occupied with his phone. Her throat was dry and she could have lunged for him, but she spotted a woman across the street. There were too many eyes, and humans had become craftier over the centuries. They had new ways of finding missing people, of reading invisible signs. Or perhaps she was too coddled in the Volturi palace. Too many years of letting food come to them. Whatever the reason, Jane returned to the motel room hungry and opened the door.

There were few things that could shock her after so many years of her immortal life, but Hannah lying on the bed with phlebotomy equipment in her was enough to make her cold heart jump.

"Are you insane?" Jane hissed, shutting the door. "The police will look for her."

"They look for all of them," said Himmler as he gave the girl's arm a squeeze. The takeaway bag she'd brought back was on the nightstand. His case was almost full and the vial that the tube ran into was nearly overflowing. He stopped the blood between his fingers, taking out the tube and placing it in his mouth while he corked the vial. Jane locked the door and made doubly sure that the curtains were in no way see-through.

This had been on his mind from the start; Hannah's demise in the room that had been conveniently booked by and for her with no one else present.

"You haven't eaten," said Himmler.

"I'm fine," Jane muttered, standing by the window with her arms crossed.

"Jane." She looked back. He held up the tube.

"Her heart is barely beating," she muttered.

"So drink, now," said Himmler. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to him, taking the tube and letting the warm liquid run down her throat. Himmler pressed down on the girl's chest with the heel of his hand. He was strong enough to reach her heart. Jane heard Hannah's ribs break. The last of the blood flowed out and she hollowed her cheeks, sucking the tube clean.

Himmler smirked and ran his thumb across Jane's mouth when she was done. He pressed it against the junction of her lips and she parted them. For the first time in years innumerable Jane felt aroused, wrapping her tongue around his thumb with a hard suck. He didn't need to tell her what to do next as he undid his belt. She knelt down on the floor and she took him in her hand, leaning down, but she could see the dead girl in the corner of her eye. Jane stopped.

Blood, Fire and Vampire Slayers: Jasper Hale love story Book #2Where stories live. Discover now