1: New Blood

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"Police facilitated kickboxing and self defence classes," Astrid read aloud from a poster on the school notice board.

"My dad's a part of that," Bella muttered. "They mostly have retired cops and martial arts instructors volunteering, but he'll be helping to coach sometimes too."

"Cool," said Astrid. She took out a pen and signed herself up.

"You're actually interested?"

"Yeah. You don't think that after what happened with James and his gang that it could be a good idea?"

Bella shrugged, but Astrid could understand why she might feel awkward about joining a group where her father would be coaching her in front of others.

"Is that from Jasper?" Bella asked, pointing to the necklace she was wearing. Astrid nodded with a grin.

It was a gold chain with a pendant that had the Knight family crest engraved on one side and her name on the other. The gift was just another reminder that Astrid had one of the strangest relationships ever. Her boyfriend was a vampire and she was a half-elf whose family executed vampires for centuries.

"You know, I feel different," said Astrid as she and Bella walked slowly to homeroom. She spoke softly to keep their conversation private, but the other students at Forks High were occupied with their own conversations anyway. "I can't really explain it, but aside from needing weaker glasses because my vision magically improved - literally, I feel like I can do a lot more than I used to believe I could. You know that my family was part of a line of Slayers."

"That doesn't make you one of them," said Bella.

"I know, but I feel like I could do it if I tried." Bella frowned.

"You know my boyfriend's a vampire, right? And so is yours."

"I know," Astrid laughed. "But that doesn't mean I can't know more about my roots."

"Are you gossiping about us?"

Astrid turned around when she heard Jasper's voice and the light southern accent that she found so endearing. His arm came around her waist, cool to the touch, but reassuring, because it was a touch she knew. She saw his admiring eyes on her; the colour of amber, and his playful smirk. Edward was with him.

"No, we're not gossiping about you," said Astrid, tipping her head back against his shoulder as if she was daring him to kiss her. She felt his chest rise as he looked down at her, his eyes skimming over her neck and her natural scent teasing him. She hadn't worn perfume that day.

"Just talking about the Knight family history of staking vampires," said Bella. "And whether Astrid is capable of that or not."

"Oh, she's definitely capable," said Jasper.

"Should I be flattered or offended?" Astrid asked.

"Both," said Edward. "Seems like everyone here has a complicated history, except for Miss Swan."

"I can be complicated," said Bella.

"Not as complicated as being a confederate rebel," Astrid murmured.

"I was stupid, I know better now," said Jasper.

Blood, Fire and Vampire Slayers: Jasper Hale love story Book #2Where stories live. Discover now