8: Wolf's Blood

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Bella came downstairs and found Astrid and Jasper sitting together in the kitchen. She smiled at them and said good morning.

"Bella, I am so sorry about last night," said Jasper. "I'm so sorry."

"I don't hold anything against you," she said. "I'm also sorry for the way I behaved."

It started to rain outside. Frogs chirped and the air smelled fresh. It was chilly, but a nice day to stay warm in the house.

Esme came in and announced that she'd bought ingredients for blueberry pancakes the day before. She and Rosalie made breakfast with impressive success, given how long it had been since either of them had cooked anything. Everyone was in a much better mood. Last night's incident seemed to have made them all appreciate each other a little more, so they sat down at the table to have breakfast together, even though the vampires had little interest in human food.

Astrid checked her phone before taking her seat. Elizabeth would be fetching her and taking her shopping for new dance clothes and she was waiting for a message to say she was almost there. An hour passed with pleasant conversation and Astrid was helping to clear away dishes when her phone chimed.

"Jacob and Sam are coming to get you," was what the message said.

"What is it?" Jasper asked when he saw the curious frown on her face.

"Elizabeth is having Jake come get me."

The whole coven looked perplexed. "She knows they aren't allowed here, right?" said Rosalie.

"Maybe something happened," said Astrid.

It wasn't long before they heard tyres on the gravel outside. Astrid went to get her things. Bella and the rest of the family were behind her as she went out the front door. The rain had stopped, but everything was damp and cold. Sam had a crease between his brows when he got out of the vehicle. Jake looked pale. Their long black hair was wet as if they had been out in the rain.

"Guys, what's going on?" Astrid asked apprehensively.

Jake opened his mouth and spoke in an unsteady voice. "Astrid, we um..."

"We found Kohana," said Sam. Astrid glanced between them.

"Is he okay?"

She already knew the answer, but she didn't want to believe it until Jake shook his head. Her knees got weak, and he came forward quickly to hold onto her when she dropped her bag. Jasper felt her pain like a knife to the chest.

"Astrid, I'm so sorry." He took a step towards them, but Sam picked up Astrid's bag and stood between them with a glare. Bella wanted to comfort her friend, but she'd seen a wolf lose his temper before and she was afraid of Sam.

"Jake, come on," he said. Jacob led Astrid away, helping her into the car and they left without a backward glance.


It was Friedrich who found the wolf and called Billy Black. Billy was at the Uley home when he heard and so Sam and Jake volunteered to go help Mr Hoffman. The rest of the Hoffman's were at Sam's house when they got back. So was Elizabeth and a few other members of the pack. Elizabeth hugged her granddaughter outside when she arrived, but they didn't talk. And then Sam took Astrid into the garage.

The remains were wrapped in a blanket, one with traditional patterns, probably too precious for an animal, but he and Billy thought it was appropriate. The blanket was laid on a clean table under the softly buzzing light in the garage.

Blood, Fire and Vampire Slayers: Jasper Hale love story Book #2Where stories live. Discover now