The Battle

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"How many ships?" I asked.

"At least a dozen."

"That's not good." I turned to the new riders, while climbing onto Stormfly's back, "I'm going to help, you will all stay here and practice."

Gustav ran up to me, "Let us come with you, we can help."

"No, none of you are ready." I stated firmly. Stoick and I then took off for the Edge, hoping to the gods we weren't going to be too late.


After Astrid flew off, Gustav seemed to think that he was left in charge of us. "Okay, we are going to Dragon's Edge and helping them. They can't do it by themselves."

"Gustav," I started, walking over to him, "are you forgetting who stopped Dagur 3 years ago? The Dragon Riders did. If they did it then, when they hadn't been a team for a little more than a year, they can do it now. Besides, you heard my sister, we are to stay here."

"Are you telling me that you have never disobeyed your parents or your sister before?"

"My parents? I do that all the time, they don't give a shit about what I do or don't do. Astrid, though...disobeying her will put you on her bad side, and trust me, you don't want that."

Mulch seemed to think that he needed to chime in. "We may 'ave more firepower than them, bu' we 'ave less experience and skill. They also 'ave 'iccup. We all know that he's part dragon and can add more firepower. We don' 'ave that."

We all turned to look at him, mostly with surprise. "You're right, Mulch, they do have Hiccup." I said, "But Hiccup doesn't use his dragon side at all, even during battle."

"How do you know?" Spitelout asked.

"Astrid told me."

"Oh." Spitelout looked embarrassed for not having realized that.

"And I can't believe I'm saying this but, I now agree with Gustav. We may not be fully trained as a team, but we all know how to ride a dragon, and we all can fight from them. I say we go to Dragon's Edge to help them fight off Dagur. And besides: element of surprise: key to any battle." I smirked, looking around at the rest of them.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" Firewing said behind me. I knew that the others couldn't understand him, so I tried to hold back a laugh as I mounted him. Honestly, I was so unsuccessful at doing so that Gustav looked at me like I was nuts as we took off.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked me. I was getting strange looks from the rest of the Riders as well.

"Okay, there is probably one thing you should know about me." I laughed, then paused to catch my breath. "I'm part-dragon."

They all sat there, on their dragons, stunned by this new piece of knowledge. Spitelout was the first to break the silence, "Like Hiccup is? Since when?"

"Um, yes. And since always. That's actually why my parents hid me from everyone when I was younger. I was different because I'm part dragon. When I was 10, I was finally able to act somewhat normal, so they let me leave the house." I paused, thinking about what Firewing and I had discovered about my dragon side last night. We'd gone for a flight, and he'd taught me how to fly. We'd discovered that, like a Nightmare, I could light myself on fire. But, unlike a Nightmare, I could only set certain parts of my body on fire, like my hands, forearms, feet, wings, tail, and surprisingly, my hair. We'd also discovered that we could join together as one being. I had a tattoo on my left forearm that appeared only as a weird looking scar normally, but looked like Firewing when he was in it. I'd have to talk to Hiccup about the tattoo thing, though. I couldn't remember him ever saying anything about that with Toothless.

"So what can you all do?" Gustav asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Pretty much the same as Hiccup, except I can set parts of myself on fire."

"Woah. That's cool. Can you show us?"

"Uh, as long as you promise not to tell anyone."

They all nodded. Even Gothi looked interested in this.

I took a deep breath and then jumped off of Firewing, letting my wings and tail show and allow me to fly back up by my dragon and the other Riders. Looking over at Gustav with a smile on my face, I set every part of my body that I could set on fire, on fire.

"Woah." was all I heard from all of the Riders, excluding Gothi, of course. I glided over to Firewing, hid my wings and tail again, and put out my fire, before falling back into his saddle.


As we got closer to the Edge, the only dragon that I could see in the air was Toothless. Looking closer I could see Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout, and Fishlegs running around on the island using our defense system attempting to keep the Berserkers away from the island.

I had Stormfly shoot at the nearest ship, which happened to be the same one Toothless had just shot at. This caught the attention of both Hiccup and Dagur.

"Oh ho ho! A couple of late guests to the party!" Dagur yelled, running over to one of the net catapults on his ship. "Obviously they're a little slow on party etiquette." He then shot a net at Hiccup and Toothless, who weren't paying attention.

"Hiccup, look out!" I yelled.

He turned, but neither him nor Toothless were able to get out of the way fast enough. The net wrapped around them, causing them to plummet towards the sea below. I went to go after them, but was stopped by one of the ships shooting arrows in our direction.

Toothless managed to cut one of the ropes on the net, causing it to fall off of them and into the sea. They were falling to fast though, and hadn't been able to stop before hitting the water.


"Hiccup! I can't fly!" Toothless yelled, as the net fell away. "I think my wing is broken."

I was about to answer when the two of us hit the water. We weren't close enough for him to enter his tattoo, so I swam as fast I could after him. He was sinking faster than I was and my air had been knocked out of me when we hit the water. I finally reached him and touched my hand to his nose. With a flash of purple, he was gone from in front of me and I could hear him in my head:

"Now you need to get both of us out of here."

I changed form to my halfling form with yet another flash of purple. With the help of my wings, I was able to fly out of the water and get us in the sky. I looked around, only to see my father caught by Berserkers, and Astrid barely holding her own. She needed help.

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